Saturday, August 15, 2009

6 months

she is 7.1kg and 65.2cm

Dear Victoria,

Both of us feel so blessed to have you in our lives...

Yes, there are times we wonder how did we end up in this mess and why are we taking the hard route instead of throwing you to the grands/nanny/helper. But we believe in what we give to you, we will receive back from you (one day). Daddy Trev is a true believer that there will always be repercussion in your upbringing.

(before you were born)
MM F: lao gong, this Gina Ford says that we should put the baby in her own room
DD T: from when?
MM F: from birth lor, she says makes the baby independent.. start from birth so don't have to move here move there...
DD T: who is this gina ford? why wanna make baby independent?
MM F: some ang mo baby guru, kinda of like the latest literature about baby upbringing
DD T: what crap... why are u reading ang mo books, do you know that angmo children leave home at 18 years old??? I want my girl to be with me as long as possible! what independent ... go and find an asian baby guru and read the book... so not related to our values.

So we you slept in our room in your nice cot but needless to say you have migrated comfortably to our small cosy bed now. Yes there are times we get really upset that you are occupying more than 1/3 of your share and that how DD T's sleeps with his legs hanging down the side of the bed. (Mainly because you have started to sleep with your arms open wide, hitting us at our faces at night.) We have been toying on the idea on getting you a toddler bed that we can place next to ours, so that we can slide you there when you sleep but are so fearful that you will reject it. So, we will wait when you are ready... 

You are not a typical baby explained by most of the baby books, this even the PD agrees...

1) 6 days after we got discharged, you didn't poo!! You did 1 poo in the hospital and kept all waste inside. We had to go to the PD and she took us in under an emergency case! Dr Tan examined you and you are her 1st.. her youngest baby that require assistance to poo. But of course after that all was well.... though me and DD T thinks you have lazy bowels for you don't like doing it very often, keeping it for 2-3 days to do massive one.

2) You went for your 1st jab at 2 months... did your "scream till no voice" after the jab, Dr Tan saw and told us that you are a "Breath Holder" baby; means you hold your breath till you change colour... red, purple then a little blue was the furthest you went.. she asked if this was your normal, I told her you did this 2 times already. Her instructions were "Stop what ever you are doing to cause her this unhappiness, I had a baby that held her breath till he had fits!"  Then of course, that was the day we abolished all routines, threw Gina Ford and Tracy Hoggs out of the window. The "gurus" were not very good... till the day mummy found Dr Sears...

3) Dr Sears diagnosed you, your type of baby as "High Need aka Fussy"... one that thrives with love, touch, attention. For you can't be alone, needs to be carried, hates to be forced to do things you don't want to.  I stopped looking at the watch from that day and waited for your cues to tell me if you were hungry or sleep... you stopped doing your breath holding and started to smile...

4) Then came your silly drinking.. haiz hated those months... The days when the grands or DD T helped out you drank only 60ml each time from the bottle! You were more interested in playing than eat.  Once again we went to Dr Tan, she gave us probiotics but explain that you are the type that loads up at night and must be away from all distractions. It was such a issue to all that everyone was trying to make you drink your milk. This I think you get from your daddy! Grandpa John says that DD takes 1-2 hours to finish a bottle of milk. Darn! 

Dr Tan can remember us pretty well for every time we are there, the 1st thing she does is "Victoria is doing well, 50% growth percentile, I better tell you cause I know you are very concerned."

5) We started you on solids the minute you reached 6 months... but you are not exactly a baby that can eat quite well. You like to do the "Chipmunk" thingy; meaning you keep food in your mouth, mainly in the upper roof of your mouth.. we see how it goes, hope you grow out of this. Eating solids seems to have effect on your poo problems too.. *cross fingers* 

6) But as you grew up, your personalities started to show. You are absolutely a delight to bring out, the kind of baby that people like, for you NEVER cry when there are alot of people around you.  This we are very thankful for, you are a little social butterfly that brings so much happiness.  You allow any and everyone to carry you, you smile when they smile, you make the married want to have a baby, make singles want to marry and have a baby....  you are one baby that can sit through a 1 hour mass and not make noise. Yes, you really make us look good.

BUT you grumble, make noise and CRY alot when there is only the 2 of us at home:( totally can't be left alone ...  we think you bully us. Nobody believes when we say you a tough baby to look after, even the grands... BUT YES YOU ARE A DIFFICULT BABY! but we still love you ALOT!



Diana said...

I really enjoy reading your blog lah :) it all started when i googled dr han's name and found this blog link. And i thought i will have the same luck of giving birth naturally with short labour. No same luck! i let my hubby read this blog also. So the same feeling here. It is damn tiring to be a full time mother! I think the husbands need to realise this also. It is tough work especially when you are breastfeeding! No such thing as taking turn to feed baby because i have no time to even pump milk! Bo pian lah. At night, only we mothers wake up.

Anyway, my blog addie is But no time to update! I am only active on facebook. you can add me there and we can exchange mother tips!

ps: Your baby is getting cuter by the day!

Anonymous said...

mummy flo is sooooo weida!!! muackies. keep up the great work


Pearl said...

your blog is simply engaging haha...i got your bloggie from motherhood....and coming MTB in dec this year...

my bloggie is

not as interesting as yours tho... :P...

add me on fb, msn if you are

hang on V is realy cute!!
