Friday, November 13, 2009

Busy November

so many things going on...

Its has been so busy... I really want to sit down to blog but time is so tight. After the trip back, BB [V] was down with diahorrea and so we visited the PD, was diagnosed with Travellers' diahorrea .. *duhz* checked with the others who flew together Ern had and Ginetts's mummy had it too.. what was bad was that it was airborne... then DD T had it, he vomited too, poor guy... Then I didn't feel fit till 2 days ago.. One thing good was that we all bought travel insurance and so medical bills were all covered.

Then this week is 2 weddings .. *yawnz* I don't do well at weddings , they bored me to death.... but these 3 is must go type... tomorrow we are witnesses, must sign papers, how cool is that? Well, we must be doing something good in our marriage, to allow our friends make such special request... I personally think it is big shit, as usually people will ask parents or godparents to do things like that... oh well, I hope I can survive the day. Not bringing the princess as we thought we will go dating tomorrow

Next week is my birthday celebrations ... *yippee* I have this craving for Truffles not the chocolate ones but the fungi (oh the smell!!!!) I have been having cravings manz,the foie gras, cheese, champagne... but I got the greatest girlfriends to accompany me to go eat .. heehee... so this one I told DD T and he was like how many hundreds is the dinner? hehe... I told him very little hundreds.. so we will go truffles galore for my birthday.. Garibaldi maybe? must check .... then another day I will go out with my girlies to celebrate... I still owe DD T his birthday dinner as he was on Biz trip...

Then we will end the week with another wedding.... this one I will bring BB [V]

Last week of Nov will be Julia Gabriels holiday program with BB [V] ...

So darn busy....

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