MM f: lao gong, next week is Julia Gabriel holiday program ...all 5 days hor
DD t: okie, is julia gng?
MM f: how the f do i know?
DD t: she better be there huh... not shy use her name for a school...
MM f: ....
DD t: if the Dr sears comes to Sin , tell me
MM f: for what?
DD t: I wanna talk to her
MM f: its a him... what for?
DD t: talk to him lar, for making my daughter the girl she is today, happy, sociable and confident. I have a lot of questions to ask him also..
MM f: ...
But I totally agree how extremely fantastic she has grown up to be.... gone where the stormy days... we had a difficult early start and now its cruising after...
It was all Gina Ford when she was born but as days passed I realized she was crap! Oh you can't imagine how I hated her... all these nonsense about bottle feeding is better than BF-ing, so that you can train them, routine this, 7am-7pm that. I read when I was preggie as she was well received. Then when the baby came along... omg cmi!! The one gf told me she used this and her son can never change his 7 am call time, she hates it as she never got to sleep in... he woke up earlier and earlier in fact.. told me to tweak my time if I want to use her. Then there was Ern's mummy who never got a chance to go out for dinners as she demands sleep at 7pm. Really... how often have BB [V] sleep patterns change become of teething, growth spurts.. there will be 1 week of 10 hrs of sleep through then out of sudden she decides that 6 hours is good enough... is 12 sleep through a bench mark of good parenting?
So they say Tracy Hoggs was gd too... briefly read through and so BB [V] was a spirited baby in her context, but couldn't find info on how to deal with my special gal.. though I do use her e.a.s.y method. It was about the same shit lar, just that she advocated Bf more than GinaF. But it totally didn't solve my problems... both were gurus dealing things at the shortest time, giving shortcuts, cry it out methods, picking 5 mins, dream feedings and all... and I hated such parenting styles. I was damn desperate!
So I paid a visit to the library... brought back stacks and stacks of books... no point buying another $40+ book that say the same shit. After about 5 books, I stumbled on Dr Sears... it got me hooked on lar... everything he said was BB [V]... to the T. He doesn't have routines, methods or anything. What he has is love, nuture, patience... explaining why BB [V] behave this way or why things happens. He does attachment parenting - doesn't allow cry out methods, he instill trust in the child, love that parents can offer, sensitivities that we can give. He uses tools like breast-feeding, baby wearing... Yes, I agree it takes a long time but issit parenting a life long commitment?
There will be more factors that determine the character and personality of a child. Its lifelong, there will be more challengers to come but for now... we are glad we found him for the pros of his style instills confidence, empathy, caring, compassionate, affections to the child.
and most importantly, he created 2 very confident parents.
Thumbs up! We also practise attachment parenting - I think it's the most natural way to parent. I've been thinking about doing a post on it but don't know how to do one without bashing Gina Ford too much... told you you're my kind of gal - balls to the wall! Bravo!
haha babe funny post la! i didn't know i m practising attachment parenting myself too... coz never found the time to read ma until ur post! Eh... this tracy hogg mati in 2004 le lor... maybe thats why her methods dun really work now, hehe coz not updated!!!
pinkie: aiyo must bash her hor.. load of crap! and the best part of all is she is not a parent ... wa piangz faint okie...
ophe: omg she died? or u mean not popular liaoz?
Hehe, she really died! Of Melanoma in 2004. But she has a co author so probably dat co author will update her books... hmmm
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