Friday, December 11, 2009

10 months (II)

forgot to write

Speech: BB [V] has started to talk...ALOT. She can hold a decent conversation if she is in that mood, it can last for a good 15 mins and we have to entertain her.

BB [V] : bla ma ya ta, ta go to ma ma da
Us: yes we know...
BB[V]: ma da paaa ta goooo, (drops alot of saliva) da ta ga maaa

Her favourite word is CAT, DOG... of course the usual mama, dada, papa, mah ma.... never say milk coz she still signs it now with both hands... though we swore we have heard CHURCH, AMEN when in church last week. It has been tough trying to video it down coz the minute she sees the camera, she gets all distracted and goes for the camera instead.

Oh well...

Actions: Sometimes you wonder where she learns these funny cations from? last few weeks, she has been putting her hands at her ears and giving us that doe eyed look.. like "OMG headache look" duhz? Then the pulling of her miserable little hairs and "OMG I'm so stress look!"

Besides that she does the 'hi 5 -s, bye bye, goodbye kiss-es" and many more that honestly not I lost track. But her favourite is putting her fingers in her mouth and like" my teeth pain...." OHhhh poor thing

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