Wednesday, December 16, 2009


It's almost the end of the year

I have been busy turning my blog into a book! For Victoria birthday pressie!

I never realized it will be so difficult... coz I'm learning a new application, gotta arrange the text, so many photos to edit and I can't document my videos in the book... I'm hoping to finish it before the year end so I can get it in time for her birthday. Then I have a lot of backlogs not blogged down yet...

There is the christmas shopping and the wrapping. Then after coming back there is the new year's celebrations and her friends birthdays...

But I am so busy till the end of the year, we are flying off to Sydney on Sunday and I haven't got packing yet... hate the fact it is 10 days, which means a lot of shit to pack.. Of course I don't hate the 10 days when I'm there! haha

My house in in a mess!! things packed for different houses, pressies to be handed over, clothes that are set aside for the holiday and packing for Australia is a bit tricky for the restrictions... and I gotta clear everything in this house by friday when the part time cleaning lady comes to clean, remove my sheets and I pack everything for Aunty Nita. Then I have luggage in 3 different houses... all made it extra difficult!

and we are packed with dinners and parties till Sunday... how to finish everything???

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