Birthday Game
1. 字典或词典 ( dictionary):代表文学家或科学家,有知识的人才。( Scientist, someone of knowledge)
2. 书、笔 ( Book, Pen):具有制定意味,代表书法家、文人、文职工作( Writer, Clerk)
3. 尺( Ruler):具有尺度的意味,代表律师、法官、革命家。( Lawyer, Judge)
4. 计算器、算盘 ( Calculator, Abacus):代表商家或生意人。 ( Businessmen)
5. 金、钱、信用卡、玉、钻( Gold, Cash, Credit Card, Jade, Diamond):代表富有之意,日后可成为银行家、善于储蓄的富翁或有钱人。( Rich Person, Banker)
6. 印章 ( Stamp Chop):代表官位或官权。 ( Political Person/ Government)
7. 彩色纸、彩色粘土、水彩盒、彩色笔 ( Colour paper, Paint Brush):代表艺术家。( Artist)
8. 毛线团、布料 (Roll of thread, Cloth):代表服装设计师( Fashion Designer)
9. 乒乓球拍、网球拍、高而夫球 ( Golf Ball, Tennis Racket):代表体育相关职业。( Sports career)
10. 笛子、CD、录音带 ( Musical Instrument):代表音乐家。( Musician)
11. 筷子、铲子( Chopsticks, Wok):代表厨师、饭店业者。( Chef, Hotelier)
12. 小鞋子 ( Shoes):代表旅行家、探险家( Traveler, Explorer)
13.听诊器、棉签、纱布 ( Stereoscope, Syringe):代表医生、护士类。( Doctor, Nurse)
14.鼠标 ( Mouse):代表IT业 ( IT line)
15.润肤霜、口红 ( Moisturize, Lipstick):代表爱美,在乎自己的容貌 ( Beautician)
16.玩具汽车 Toy Car):有车族、司机 ( Driver) ( Handphone):代表通讯 ( Communication career)
18.螺丝刀 ( Screwdriver):工程师、工业 ( Architect)
we obviously didn't put all... coz when the last time I went to trim my fringe at my in law's neighbour, she told me she chose a comb and she became a hair dresser *--* of course she is a rich hairdresser boss but in the end we decided to keep the game simple. haha
then as I'm writing this post I just remembered... gotta pick 4 D numbers right? The result of no gamblers in the house... k if i can remember to do so this saturday since its a big birthday bash for all right? so the birthday luck still stands.. stay tuned to the numbers!!!
So V will take over daddy's business and do investments! And be a rich woman!!
hope hope.. must have good values too !
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