Wednesday, February 17, 2010

CNY 2 day

her lunar birthday falls on the 2nd day of CNY....

Since everyone was free and there wasn't any visiting, we decided to celebrate for her...

waiting for her birthday meal
her mee sua with egg..
chicken drumstick
she decided to feed the drumstick to the dogs and ate 2 bites of her mee sua = flopped birthday lunch
in the end we had to feed her our foods.. so its bua keluak with rice for lunch, which we were surprised coz she actually enjoyed it.

Then since we started the day with such a chinese manner.. we continued with the birthday game... (the power of forum coz I never knew such things exists, coz none of us celebrated lunar birthdays) anyway, just for the fun of it right?


Birthday Game


1. 字典或词典 ( dictionary):代表文学家或科学家,有知识的人才。( Scientist, someone of knowledge)

2. 书、笔 ( Book, Pen):具有制定意味,代表书法家、文人、文职工作( Writer, Clerk)

3. ( Ruler):具有尺度的意味,代表律师、法官、革命家。( Lawyer, Judge)

4. 计算器、算盘 ( Calculator, Abacus):代表商家或生意人。 ( Businessmen)

5. 金、钱、信用卡、玉、钻( Gold, Cash, Credit Card, Jade, Diamond):代表富有之意,日后可成为银行家、善于储蓄的富翁或有钱人。( Rich Person, Banker)

6. 印章 ( Stamp Chop):代表官位或官权。 ( Political Person/ Government)

7. 彩色纸、彩色粘土、水彩盒、彩色笔 ( Colour paper, Paint Brush):代表艺术家。( Artist)

8. 线团、布料 (Roll of thread, Cloth):代表服装设计师( Fashion Designer)

9. 乒乓球拍、网球拍、高而夫球 ( Golf Ball, Tennis Racket):代表体育相关职业。( Sports career)

10. 笛子、CD录音带 ( Musical Instrument):代表音乐家。( Musician)

11. 筷子、铲子( Chopsticks, Wok):代表厨师、饭店业者。( Chef, Hotelier)

12. 小鞋子 ( Shoes):代表旅行家、探险家( Traveler, Explorer)

13.诊器、棉签、纱布 ( Stereoscope, Syringe):代表医生、护士类。( Doctor, Nurse)

14. ( Mouse):代表IT ( IT line)

15.润肤霜、口红 ( Moisturize, Lipstick):代表爱美,在乎自己的容貌 ( Beautician)

16.玩具汽 Toy Car):有车族、司机 ( Driver) ( Handphone):代表通 ( Communication career)

18.丝刀 ( Screwdriver):工程师、工业 ( Architect)

we obviously didn't put all... coz when the last time I went to trim my fringe at my in law's neighbour, she told me she chose a comb and she became a hair dresser *--* of course she is a rich hairdresser boss but in the end we decided to keep the game simple. haha

then as I'm writing this post I just remembered... gotta pick 4 D numbers right? The result of no gamblers in the house... k if i can remember to do so this saturday since its a big birthday bash for all right? so the birthday luck still stands.. stay tuned to the numbers!!!


Rachel L. said...

So V will take over daddy's business and do investments! And be a rich woman!!

Unknown said...

hope hope.. must have good values too !