Monday, April 12, 2010


Its totally impossible to go to the malls coz she wants to walk EVERYWHERE... it really doesn't help that she is so small and most people don't look down. I mean she is standing tallest at an adults' knee.... and she runs.. :( Its really taxing as she rams into people and runs towards escalators.

We hardly go the malls now as she is refusing the stroller (from the longest time oredi) and now she doesn't even want to sit in the beco! Putting her in a shopping cart doesn't work anymore .. SHE JUST WANT TO WALK! boo hoo ..

Last weekend, DD T had a great idea .. we decided to go to airport... big space , not many people and did I mention spacious! After lunching, we just released her and boy! she went on and on and on.... we just hang around in T2... coz we had Waraku..

This was taken in the viewing area in T2.. they had this cool weighing machine!
she is a whopping 10.5kg!! honest, don't look like but she feels like... her tummy is hellavu BIG

Yes, she walked from the viewing hall to departure to carpark and despite the fact she squat down more than 10 times.. she still refused to be carried!

here is a video on how happy she was...

She K/O-ed 10 mins into the car ride.. just in time for her nap.. and the best part it costed us $2.50 for carpark... better than Polliwogs or Gymboree... LOL


Bellie said...

shall we organise an airport gathering for the kids! matt would LOVE to walk. i also tired of chasing after him. keke...

Serene said...

Idea for hanging out and i must agree on the 'small people not noticed by adults' aspect. the last we brought Z thr, T2 viewing gallery under reno!

Rachel L. said...

V sure looked so happy. =)

And, ahem, I saw her tum tum too. CUTE!

Unknown said...

bel: ya we shld.. let them run run run..

piyo: ya lor.. damn frustrating you koe! everything aso cannot..

racheal; hahah big hor.. though i think she has a great posture (for now tat is)