im at my in laws.. DD T was on a trip
GODDAMN!!!! F*3king roaches are out again!! The rain has been forcing them out of their nest and they are enjoying clubbing here in this house. Think there are freaking generations of them, great great great grand parents and their family. *pukes*
Last month, when the rain came, we set traps and caught like 30 over of them.. It doesn't help that my in laws stay in a cluster house aka house/condo type la. Got drain nearby somemore... it sux!!!
You see I HATE ROACHES! Think most of you will know since I have declared it very clearly in FB I do not like them. I run away if i see one, scream if one flies...
Had my shower and saw a bloody big one walking in the toilet la... on the 3rd floor!!!! You know they are so "yaya" they went upstairs!!!! As I am ranting in this post while sitting on the dining table , I just spoke VERY loudly to my FIL about this situation and that I CANNOT STAND IT.
So FIL n DD T says this to appease me, "tomorrow will settle this"..
Okie since I'm on the pest post, think singaporeans really very CMI... Yday I saw a spider way up high around the staircase, so came down told my FIl to kill it then forget that FIL scared of spider. Fail.... in the end you know who killed ? Aunty Nita la ... she kills everything in this house, cockroaches, lizards, ants, spiders... FIL came home and saw a snail who crawled up on the front door and told aunty nita to clear it... while my MIL was going on and on about the snail.. zzzzz
Okay I rest my case... singaporeans really not kampong la... If you think DD T should be the man one.. wrong, he runs away when he sees lizards.. ME? I run away from EVERYTHING. it includes those small beetles that flies aimlessly in my parents house, those that flies straight into and slams themselves on the walls. "Ti Tha Ti Tat"
DD T always tell me how to buy a house? When I can't handle pests... coz staying on ground attracts many insects. True la...
So I think if the pest control comes... it will be mayhem.
muahahahah, i was laughing away when reading this post! so funni!
anyway, talking about man handling pest... it seems like the table has turned, its the woman who're doing the cleaning/killing.
I simply couldn't stand the sight of them in my house and I must be 100% sure they're out then I can sleep in peace. but i'm damn scare of them too! no choice leh cos hb rather leave them alone running ard in the hse @_@
tats why we choose to live high up in the sky haha
Ya pls lor.. I think now the kampong helpers are the ones killing ah!!!
I cant deal with not killing them too! once trev insisted that i kill a lizard in the toilet, okie i did it but i dont dare to clear.. Got my cousin to come over and clear it wahahahhah
Yes sky high is gd... though think 7 mth coming, i got praying mantis yday, some weird fly the day before and moths.. not my hse la.. near by! which is bad enuff!!!
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