Dear Victoria,
We tucked you into bed at 830pm the night before your birthday just to ensure that you have the energy for a power packed day on 27th Jan 2011. Mummy came back after running an errand after dinner, sat down and wanted to write you your letter, but you woke (I guess) feeling my existence. I quickly ran to lie down next to you and you sat up and "Dance, Dance..." I swear you were sleep talking but you looked at me and repeated and well I did a little jiggle and you plonked yourself back to lala land. Yes you are an oddball. >.<
This last one year was really fantastic and we are just so blessed to see you all grown up with so much love, peppering us with your antics, showering the oh so many hugs and kisses. You are a definitely a pain in the ass at times but nevertheless a mild natured child when you get things your way. You have the ability to manipulate everyone with your to die for smile, and did I mention your "manja" voice! You have this innate ability to pull the last vowel, or that pleading round eyes that speaks million! We so know you will be a survivor in this world.
Mummy Flo has released the leash of wanting to be with you 24/7 and you get looked after by everyone that offers their help. Though we always balance it out as you drain the Grands of their energy if you are there more than 2 days. We did managed to fix a mutual understanding between all of us, DD T and I will do things together since you are well looked after, like shopping for stuffs or coming home to do housework. Grands do look after you real well and I'm glad you get to be loved by them for its always a blessing to have grandparents! I know they are teaching you things that I'm missing out! Please that day I saw Aunty Nita teaching vowels and consonant (I almost fainted!), no thanks to her favourite show; Wheel Of Fortune. Or how the grands are teaching you to be holy, like how you told Grandma Ng, "Good night, pray to papa jesus k, muak!" you tickle us... hahaha
Its always great to see how you blend in so well.... though there are many days its just DD T looking after you if I'm busy with classes or meetings in the evening. I do think DD T choice of Tv is real boring and am surprised how how he has cultivate you enjoy his type of TV programs *rolls eyes. At 1-2 years old, you watch BBC, CNN, CNBC, everyday, ya so boring right? (mummy like sky news) I have came back many times in the evening and have seen both of you on the bed watching Animal Planet, National Geographic. Not those cute and fluffy dogs type but the gnawing, bloody type.... the hunting type! DD T thinks its important that you know the reality of life, oh well. I stop him to watching war stories at home, period. If you want to know, I believe you will grow up to be one with the power packed general knowledge for Grandpa and DD T are champions in it. They are the only human beings that can watch war documentaries everyday *yawns and they will exchanging pointers *double yawns. Ya I suffer lots sometimes when I'm in the hall, and you however can sit down on your comfy chair and watch together. Genes! argghhh Oh when you sleep, DD T keeps the Tv on the news or animal planet channel.
I love my tabloids *loves.. but we hardly watch Tv together. Mummy will teach you how to be a lady k.
I'm proud you are turning out fine in the manners section, what to do? Your mummy was in the service industry and I so detest ill mannered children. There is a very thin line between naughty and ill bred. I make sure you mind your P's & Q's, though usually more forgiving on those days you are tired or when there is an eclipse (days when everything is wrong). I'm very pleased on how you behave on most days just that I think your eating issues are irritating or the days when you don't poo. *wails... coz it's frustrating!
This years starts your playschool for 4 hours everyday, do hope you will like my choice. I just want you to know if you do read this letter 20 years later, in 7 habits of highly effective people, the principle is Interdependence Remember that everyone you meet in life is of use to you at some point in your life. From the people you meet in playschool all the way to your worklife... make full use of it!
Happy 2nd Birthday Victoria!!!!!
Loads of love xoxo
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Saturday, January 22, 2011
While waiting
I'm in JG....
Daddy took over the class and so I'm pretty bored... Woke up super late for our parents chat in V's new school which she is starting after cny. Was supposed to start this week but she got bitten by mozzies the day b4 school and had red dots everywhere which we panicked thinking was chickenpox, small pox or measles! Drove to DD's Gp and he gave me the look "like it just bites and why so kancheong "oh well, if you stay in my inlaws it gets blown out of proportion. Oh and coz her new school is opp of Grands house.
We were very pleased with our choice as we got a chance to be involved in what V is to go through for the next 1 year. Mandarin class was real interactive and DD T had a sticker for answering the teacher"s question"What is China's treasure?" "熊猫!" ya my hb quite yaya with his mandarin one ... Collected many stickers for V too! Oh did you know Singapore treasure is - sun?? The teacher told us that when LKY had to plan for tourism in singapore and knowing we don't have anything. He wrote there SUN, which is why the tourism board started planting and making it a garden city! All coz of the word sun!
We can't wait for V to start school for we think it's going to be great fun for her, am pleased with the structure of curriculum. Although I was really surprised at what they learn, dd compared and said it's really kindergarten standard and that now they just brought it forward to 2-3 yrs. No wonder I was chatting with my couz and they run few tuition centres in Singapore, told me she teach phonics for 4 years old!! I was like huh ... Today I finally understood, if V skips preschool,pre N, N and goes to Kindy straight, her base is not there *sighs
Oh well... You don't get world class standard for no reason.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Daddy took over the class and so I'm pretty bored... Woke up super late for our parents chat in V's new school which she is starting after cny. Was supposed to start this week but she got bitten by mozzies the day b4 school and had red dots everywhere which we panicked thinking was chickenpox, small pox or measles! Drove to DD's Gp and he gave me the look "like it just bites and why so kancheong "oh well, if you stay in my inlaws it gets blown out of proportion. Oh and coz her new school is opp of Grands house.
We were very pleased with our choice as we got a chance to be involved in what V is to go through for the next 1 year. Mandarin class was real interactive and DD T had a sticker for answering the teacher"s question"What is China's treasure?" "熊猫!" ya my hb quite yaya with his mandarin one ... Collected many stickers for V too! Oh did you know Singapore treasure is - sun?? The teacher told us that when LKY had to plan for tourism in singapore and knowing we don't have anything. He wrote there SUN, which is why the tourism board started planting and making it a garden city! All coz of the word sun!
We can't wait for V to start school for we think it's going to be great fun for her, am pleased with the structure of curriculum. Although I was really surprised at what they learn, dd compared and said it's really kindergarten standard and that now they just brought it forward to 2-3 yrs. No wonder I was chatting with my couz and they run few tuition centres in Singapore, told me she teach phonics for 4 years old!! I was like huh ... Today I finally understood, if V skips preschool,pre N, N and goes to Kindy straight, her base is not there *sighs
Oh well... You don't get world class standard for no reason.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
just a rant post...
I swear I don't F understand women... Y must gossip and talk bad? Its been 3 years since I am dealing with adults and I swear I totally understand why I was who I was before. The swearing, the cursing is to make me feel better from dealing with the horrible people that cross my path! I totally had in smacked in my face to hear the gossip by one certain human being that is hovering around in my life which I can't get rid off but has to be around type.
Yesterday sucked but because my new plucking feather -"not to affected by others", which I just made after attending my 2nd 7 habits last week. If I didn't chose to pluck this feather, I swear the vulgarities would have been F flying! but the new me is clearly upset but controlled.
I forgot that in this society one has to defensive in what one does. After hanging around with great people like you guys reading my blog and my mummies friends which by the way you are the people I love most! I became a tame, controlled, well mannered person although I still say Fxxx very often but its of no harm.
If Florinda was Florinda 3 years back, I swear her hair will be pulled by me and there would be flying glasses. But today I decided to sit in front of my computer sorting my thoughts and stumbled on this quote "People who talk bad about another person to cause harm, They seem to feel like you have some major impact in their life and they are scared of you" Muahahhahah key word *scared* Interesting, which mean I'm a threat.
I have a rebellious streak , a very strong one, a scorpio one... you say I cannot , I WILL DO IT!!! I swear this is my driving force in life, I said a prayer to god to make me a capable person and this is his choice of challenge for me.
Thank you for reading my rant .
Monday, January 17, 2011
Sunday, January 16, 2011
2 yr old PD check
We finally paid a visit to PD Dr Tan...
Its been about 1 year since her last visit and we so needed to get a review on her well being, growth etc. V is 11 Kg(finally) and 84 cm - so using the calculation of (Height at 2 year old X 2 = Actual Height) So V should be 168cm, thats 2 cm taller than me! nice:)
So had a chat with Dr Tan, she calculated her growth and charted, told us that V's growth rate is below average at 25% percentile.... weight, height and head circumference is proportionate so she is not suffering from any deficiency. A deficiency is apparent only when a child is tall but skinny, chubby but short or most obvious large head proportion. But she thinks V has Constitutional Growth Delay. We were like ?
Constitutional growth delay (CGD) is a term describing a temporary delay in the skeletal growth and thus height of a child with no other physical abnormalities causing the delay. Short stature may be the result of a growth pattern inherited from a parent (familial) or occur for no apparent reason (idiopathic). Typically at some point during childhood growth slows down, eventually resuming at a normal rate. CGD is the most common cause of short stature and delayed puberty. At that time, growth resumes at a normal rate, and these children grow either along the lower growth percentiles or beneath the curve but parallel to it for the remainder of the prepubertal years. Although CGD is a variant of normal growth rather than a disorder, delays in growth and sexual development may contribute to psychological difficulties, warranting treatment for some individuals. Recent studies have suggested that referral bias is largely responsible for the impression that normal short stature per se is a cause of psychosocial problems; nonreferred children with short stature do not differ from those with more normal stature in school performance or socialization.
"I was like oh like me la " I was a child standing in front of the line in school but shot up to 166 cm at sec 3, became even taller than my mum and sis, nearing my dad's height! Yes she replied, think she has it from me, coz if we decide to do a bone density test on V now, she has smaller bone structure; maybe its at 13-16 mths instead of 2 years old. So we have to be prepared as she will still continue to grow even when her whole class has stopped growing, usually delays 2-4 years. Thought I better write this down and remind ourselves when she grows up and asks us why is she so short muhahhahah! So Dr Tan expects her to be pretty tall.. woohoo lets see if she reaches 175cm!! since DD T is 184cm .. coolness. Oh Dr Tan says people like us age later too 'I so love what she said' :)
In regards to her food strike; *sighs ... she has no remedy for me for V is all healthy so no signs of tape worms (us the old skool thinking right) did suggest if it really does bothers us, to do a stool test but doubt it. Was glad that V is on Pediasure for that is a complete meal and she can don't need to eat at all if she decides not to, for the vitamins, sugars, carbos in the milk are even better than her eating rubbish. So we no longer expect her to eat solids if she doesn't want to. I did mention that I'm pretty upset but she says school changes a child and so just wait for peer pressure to kick in. This are just signs of showing independence and we should just let it slide. Though we can check if she is liase acid deficiency, a form of amino acids that causes the child to not want to eat. Again she think its just V and her attitude towards food definitely not health reason
Did ask if we should start on multi vits but she says in Singapore that is no necessity to do so for Singapore only approves the sale of the highest grade of milk to be sold in the market. She says in overseas there are 3 grades, 1st fresh milk, 2nd formula milk that has removed essentials for the babies b4 1 yrs old, simple type no probiotics prebiotics etc (sori i forgot the term) 3rd (formula milk with added nutrients). So Singapore has only the 3rd type, which is why no multi vitamins company can succeed in selling here keke. Unless the child is on fresh milk then its advisable to be on vits, but our formula milk is so good nobody wants to deprive the child by doing otherwise. Now I know why Singapore children all so smart...
Did her regular checks, interesting questions... "I see she can walk very well, can she jump?" we were like huh, what a weird question... I said can ah, milestones issit? hahahha Ya its motor skills - balance and control ROFL. Did the regular block stacking (pass), using a pen to doodle (pass), recite ABC (pass), string sentences (pass), V even did a dance for Dr Tan keke. Wanted to know what does V call herself as a 3rd person, we were like ??? I was like don't know man. Never really hear her call herself...
asked us what we call her , "victoria, toria, tori and baby" Dr Tan wants us all to be clear on what we want to call her; fix it on one name. No repetition too, so no VV, ria ria, or whatever no nicknames so that V can tell us "Victoria wants to eat, victoria wants to drink etc." Now I know why Grandma Tay never allowed us to give her a pet name. I wanted to call her "Bubbles" coz Bam bam n Bubbles are characters in Flintstones right keke, DD will call her xiaohui, ah gal and alot of other nonsense, but was scolded by her. Her belief is that we chose her a total of 3 names , Victoria, Eden and Sihui and we still want to pet name her. *opps So we have been trying very hard to change our bad habit, its just Victoria now.
After all the checks, she looks at me... "Victoria is doing fantastic, no autism"
There was the reminder of her vaccines which I delayed for her DPT booster and MMR. Just didn't want to deal with fever (christmas + NY +CNY + school) *opps. Had a long chat on vaccines and what we should chose for her. I totally love when she starts her vaccines chats and she is so statistical for she will shoot me numbers and the cases she has come across. We decided to come back every 6 months to do each vaccine, to be responsible parents for our child. For we always feel so sad when she shares her stories (when she was at KKH ) of the children that has stroke due to the virus which was not prevented by vaccines, Though it may be 5% of 5% of whatever reason its still 5 % right?
By the time we finished our consultation, 45 mins has passed and we came out to a clinic filled with frustrated parents for the line didn't move. Please beware when we come hahahha!
Its been about 1 year since her last visit and we so needed to get a review on her well being, growth etc. V is 11 Kg(finally) and 84 cm - so using the calculation of (Height at 2 year old X 2 = Actual Height) So V should be 168cm, thats 2 cm taller than me! nice:)
So had a chat with Dr Tan, she calculated her growth and charted, told us that V's growth rate is below average at 25% percentile.... weight, height and head circumference is proportionate so she is not suffering from any deficiency. A deficiency is apparent only when a child is tall but skinny, chubby but short or most obvious large head proportion. But she thinks V has Constitutional Growth Delay. We were like ?
Constitutional growth delay (CGD) is a term describing a temporary delay in the skeletal growth and thus height of a child with no other physical abnormalities causing the delay. Short stature may be the result of a growth pattern inherited from a parent (familial) or occur for no apparent reason (idiopathic). Typically at some point during childhood growth slows down, eventually resuming at a normal rate. CGD is the most common cause of short stature and delayed puberty. At that time, growth resumes at a normal rate, and these children grow either along the lower growth percentiles or beneath the curve but parallel to it for the remainder of the prepubertal years. Although CGD is a variant of normal growth rather than a disorder, delays in growth and sexual development may contribute to psychological difficulties, warranting treatment for some individuals. Recent studies have suggested that referral bias is largely responsible for the impression that normal short stature per se is a cause of psychosocial problems; nonreferred children with short stature do not differ from those with more normal stature in school performance or socialization.
"I was like oh like me la " I was a child standing in front of the line in school but shot up to 166 cm at sec 3, became even taller than my mum and sis, nearing my dad's height! Yes she replied, think she has it from me, coz if we decide to do a bone density test on V now, she has smaller bone structure; maybe its at 13-16 mths instead of 2 years old. So we have to be prepared as she will still continue to grow even when her whole class has stopped growing, usually delays 2-4 years. Thought I better write this down and remind ourselves when she grows up and asks us why is she so short muhahhahah! So Dr Tan expects her to be pretty tall.. woohoo lets see if she reaches 175cm!! since DD T is 184cm .. coolness. Oh Dr Tan says people like us age later too 'I so love what she said' :)
In regards to her food strike; *sighs ... she has no remedy for me for V is all healthy so no signs of tape worms (us the old skool thinking right) did suggest if it really does bothers us, to do a stool test but doubt it. Was glad that V is on Pediasure for that is a complete meal and she can don't need to eat at all if she decides not to, for the vitamins, sugars, carbos in the milk are even better than her eating rubbish. So we no longer expect her to eat solids if she doesn't want to. I did mention that I'm pretty upset but she says school changes a child and so just wait for peer pressure to kick in. This are just signs of showing independence and we should just let it slide. Though we can check if she is liase acid deficiency, a form of amino acids that causes the child to not want to eat. Again she think its just V and her attitude towards food definitely not health reason
Did ask if we should start on multi vits but she says in Singapore that is no necessity to do so for Singapore only approves the sale of the highest grade of milk to be sold in the market. She says in overseas there are 3 grades, 1st fresh milk, 2nd formula milk that has removed essentials for the babies b4 1 yrs old, simple type no probiotics prebiotics etc (sori i forgot the term) 3rd (formula milk with added nutrients). So Singapore has only the 3rd type, which is why no multi vitamins company can succeed in selling here keke. Unless the child is on fresh milk then its advisable to be on vits, but our formula milk is so good nobody wants to deprive the child by doing otherwise. Now I know why Singapore children all so smart...
Did her regular checks, interesting questions... "I see she can walk very well, can she jump?" we were like huh, what a weird question... I said can ah, milestones issit? hahahha Ya its motor skills - balance and control ROFL. Did the regular block stacking (pass), using a pen to doodle (pass), recite ABC (pass), string sentences (pass), V even did a dance for Dr Tan keke. Wanted to know what does V call herself as a 3rd person, we were like ??? I was like don't know man. Never really hear her call herself...
asked us what we call her , "victoria, toria, tori and baby" Dr Tan wants us all to be clear on what we want to call her; fix it on one name. No repetition too, so no VV, ria ria, or whatever no nicknames so that V can tell us "Victoria wants to eat, victoria wants to drink etc." Now I know why Grandma Tay never allowed us to give her a pet name. I wanted to call her "Bubbles" coz Bam bam n Bubbles are characters in Flintstones right keke, DD will call her xiaohui, ah gal and alot of other nonsense, but was scolded by her. Her belief is that we chose her a total of 3 names , Victoria, Eden and Sihui and we still want to pet name her. *opps So we have been trying very hard to change our bad habit, its just Victoria now.
After all the checks, she looks at me... "Victoria is doing fantastic, no autism"
There was the reminder of her vaccines which I delayed for her DPT booster and MMR. Just didn't want to deal with fever (christmas + NY +CNY + school) *opps. Had a long chat on vaccines and what we should chose for her. I totally love when she starts her vaccines chats and she is so statistical for she will shoot me numbers and the cases she has come across. We decided to come back every 6 months to do each vaccine, to be responsible parents for our child. For we always feel so sad when she shares her stories (when she was at KKH ) of the children that has stroke due to the virus which was not prevented by vaccines, Though it may be 5% of 5% of whatever reason its still 5 % right?
By the time we finished our consultation, 45 mins has passed and we came out to a clinic filled with frustrated parents for the line didn't move. Please beware when we come hahahha!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Port dickson
Just lying in bed.. Cannot sleep (in PD)
We departed sin on sun morning 9am, made our way in 4 separate cars (for comfort reasons) stopped 2 times on our way to Port Dickson. 1 for pee and the other for A&W rootbeer float and pee too. It's interesting to note that ones gets to want to pee lots on a road trip... Really sux, guess it's just the mind playing punk. The daddies have some interesting strategy of driving as a cohort, flashing is a form of changing lanes or pee break... Even named themselves dunno what CO, rear something... It's the army talk. But they definately did a great job bringing us to Avillion hotel like by 12-ish! Oh we saw a car "turtle" on the expressway .. Like oh dear! I happen to catch a glimpse of a little gal sitting on the grass patch, in shock and face peppered with lots of dust.. What impressed me was the many cars that stopped to help this car. A great blessing for this family, I pray that they are okay.
By the time we settled check in, I can't remember what we did.. Hmm I guess we were all busy nesting in our water chalet. Bathe and unpacking etc... We hung around in the kid's playroom (yes a big spacious room for the kiddos to burn energy!) while we decided on our plans for the rest of the day. Decided on going to a seafood resturant for a feast (satisfy shann's craving) after that long drive...even did an early cny "toss raw fish thingy" After that fantastic dinner, we drove around and the boys wanted to unwind with beer, so it was off to stock up... We came back to tuck the kiddos into bed by 9pm, daddies met up for their boys night and the mummies snored our night away to the sound of the waves under our rooms.
On monday morning, we met for our complimentary breakfast and did the pet farm. So cute la the many rabbits, hens + cock that eats carrots, dove, the peacock that refuse to come down, the lone guinea pig that scurries away everytime we go near.. The kiddos cried heaps when we left the farm, managed to con the 3 to go swimming which made them stopped.. But poor ern cried 45 mins to sleep for she had to skip swim and so she only reallu wanted the rabbits. Swim was great but water was to cold for my liking... We booked the "kiddos package" and so we had goodie bags - water gun and sand making toys, oh they gave vouchers for milkshake, fries and ice cream!
After the morning mayhem, V knocked out for 3 hours, me slept too which is why I'm still awake at 1230 writing this blog (daddy is out drinking, 4 men with only a 6 pack of beers but still will talk alot) We met up again at about 4pm, by which we celebrated Brayden's birthday with birthday cake and all! Not that he knows but I guess he must be happy to have his best buddies with him today... The whole day was just Like was total screaming, running etc
Day 3- woke up late for there was a storm the night before and was kinda noisy, me woke up a few times... Mozzies were on full force for they came in to take a shelter from the rain... *Oh well Did breakfast late and we left hotel at abouts 1130. Drive back was more straightforward and we did 1 pee stop. Had to stop At our usual jusco to makan and shop diapers *ya damn lame :/ hung around to pass time as it was 6pm when we were done with shopping as they wanna avoid the jam on the roads.
Reached home abouts 9pm, did our housework, made calls to grands and V kept telling grandma ng "carry rabbit, carry rabbit" haha she sure did enjoyed the farm!
Photos to be up soon... Blogging thoughts are more important :)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
We departed sin on sun morning 9am, made our way in 4 separate cars (for comfort reasons) stopped 2 times on our way to Port Dickson. 1 for pee and the other for A&W rootbeer float and pee too. It's interesting to note that ones gets to want to pee lots on a road trip... Really sux, guess it's just the mind playing punk. The daddies have some interesting strategy of driving as a cohort, flashing is a form of changing lanes or pee break... Even named themselves dunno what CO, rear something... It's the army talk. But they definately did a great job bringing us to Avillion hotel like by 12-ish! Oh we saw a car "turtle" on the expressway .. Like oh dear! I happen to catch a glimpse of a little gal sitting on the grass patch, in shock and face peppered with lots of dust.. What impressed me was the many cars that stopped to help this car. A great blessing for this family, I pray that they are okay.
By the time we settled check in, I can't remember what we did.. Hmm I guess we were all busy nesting in our water chalet. Bathe and unpacking etc... We hung around in the kid's playroom (yes a big spacious room for the kiddos to burn energy!) while we decided on our plans for the rest of the day. Decided on going to a seafood resturant for a feast (satisfy shann's craving) after that long drive...even did an early cny "toss raw fish thingy" After that fantastic dinner, we drove around and the boys wanted to unwind with beer, so it was off to stock up... We came back to tuck the kiddos into bed by 9pm, daddies met up for their boys night and the mummies snored our night away to the sound of the waves under our rooms.
On monday morning, we met for our complimentary breakfast and did the pet farm. So cute la the many rabbits, hens + cock that eats carrots, dove, the peacock that refuse to come down, the lone guinea pig that scurries away everytime we go near.. The kiddos cried heaps when we left the farm, managed to con the 3 to go swimming which made them stopped.. But poor ern cried 45 mins to sleep for she had to skip swim and so she only reallu wanted the rabbits. Swim was great but water was to cold for my liking... We booked the "kiddos package" and so we had goodie bags - water gun and sand making toys, oh they gave vouchers for milkshake, fries and ice cream!
After the morning mayhem, V knocked out for 3 hours, me slept too which is why I'm still awake at 1230 writing this blog (daddy is out drinking, 4 men with only a 6 pack of beers but still will talk alot) We met up again at about 4pm, by which we celebrated Brayden's birthday with birthday cake and all! Not that he knows but I guess he must be happy to have his best buddies with him today... The whole day was just Like was total screaming, running etc
Day 3- woke up late for there was a storm the night before and was kinda noisy, me woke up a few times... Mozzies were on full force for they came in to take a shelter from the rain... *Oh well Did breakfast late and we left hotel at abouts 1130. Drive back was more straightforward and we did 1 pee stop. Had to stop At our usual jusco to makan and shop diapers *ya damn lame :/ hung around to pass time as it was 6pm when we were done with shopping as they wanna avoid the jam on the roads.
Reached home abouts 9pm, did our housework, made calls to grands and V kept telling grandma ng "carry rabbit, carry rabbit" haha she sure did enjoyed the farm!
Photos to be up soon... Blogging thoughts are more important :)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
V's quirky fashion sense
Am trying to collate her fashion styles to post in her blog

Thinks Its cool to wear purple blinks

At a relative's house when she thinks it's cool to go bare

oh another blue flower, blue butterfly, table cloth with checkered seams- odd combination dress... Dress however looks pleasant in photo only...
Just that iPhone makes it pretty
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhon
Thinks Its cool to wear purple blinks
At a relative's house when she thinks it's cool to go bare
oh another blue flower, blue butterfly, table cloth with checkered seams- odd combination dress... Dress however looks pleasant in photo only...
Just that iPhone makes it pretty
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhon
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Relax tues
Was suppose to start "working" today... Haha but I ended up lunching at Raku with my girlies n karaoke-ing at Liang Court. So much for leaving V at the in laws.

Sing song got massage thingy for legs now! Me damn from countryside *sigh... Called dd t that my apppointments got cancelled (think its still holiday mood) and am actually singing songs and he reply "cool" Supportive husband right? To think I drove the car out to have fun outside haha...
Well it's a practice that V goes there at least 2-3 times ... If I don't send her, they grumble n will start calling, oh well so much of me and the drama of asking their help at the 1st place .. Now they have plans to bring her on the bus- which by the way is her favourite now, go to the shopping centres, do errands with them, take cab back then sleep for 2-31/2 hours, wake up and tea, gets playground if it doesn't rain... Good life right? Hmm both of us la...
Now am thinking if I should go for massage after singing songs....
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Sing song got massage thingy for legs now! Me damn from countryside *sigh... Called dd t that my apppointments got cancelled (think its still holiday mood) and am actually singing songs and he reply "cool" Supportive husband right? To think I drove the car out to have fun outside haha...
Well it's a practice that V goes there at least 2-3 times ... If I don't send her, they grumble n will start calling, oh well so much of me and the drama of asking their help at the 1st place .. Now they have plans to bring her on the bus- which by the way is her favourite now, go to the shopping centres, do errands with them, take cab back then sleep for 2-31/2 hours, wake up and tea, gets playground if it doesn't rain... Good life right? Hmm both of us la...
Now am thinking if I should go for massage after singing songs....
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Monday, January 3, 2011
On a regular Monday
Monday are usually my "Me" day, but after the festivities I decided that there wasn't a need for a rest day...
V slept since sun 730pm till 930am this morning... stirred and finally woke up while I snoozed more (as usual)
V: Mummy, Where's Nana?
Me: Nana is at home
V: Oh.. where is Porpor?
Me: Por por is at home
V: Then where is JOHN?
Me: Pops is on a business trip
V: Oh really? Then where is Pam?
Me: Nana Pam is at home
V: quiets for a while.... where is Daddy huh mummy?
Me: Daddy is at work
Rolls around on the bed and farts... then shouts. BATHE (with a emphasis on "the" so perfect the diction hahah)
No bathe baby, Mummy sleep 1st....
V: Brush teeth then..
Me: No baby, mummy want to poop
V: On Tv
Woke up to turn off aircon and she insisted on brushing the teeth... so its off to the sink. (brushed her teeth 3 times this morning)
I think the toughest thing of being a mummy with no help is the zero ability to do a proper dump without disturbance... or at days where she opens the shower door when you are bathing.. insisting that its playtime. But after the morning mayhem is all peace for the day.
I'm trying to blog her conversations as much as possible as this I know is short lived before the WHYs starts.
V slept since sun 730pm till 930am this morning... stirred and finally woke up while I snoozed more (as usual)
V: Mummy, Where's Nana?
Me: Nana is at home
V: Oh.. where is Porpor?
Me: Por por is at home
V: Then where is JOHN?
Me: Pops is on a business trip
V: Oh really? Then where is Pam?
Me: Nana Pam is at home
V: quiets for a while.... where is Daddy huh mummy?
Me: Daddy is at work
Rolls around on the bed and farts... then shouts. BATHE (with a emphasis on "the" so perfect the diction hahah)
No bathe baby, Mummy sleep 1st....
V: Brush teeth then..
Me: No baby, mummy want to poop
V: On Tv
Woke up to turn off aircon and she insisted on brushing the teeth... so its off to the sink. (brushed her teeth 3 times this morning)
I think the toughest thing of being a mummy with no help is the zero ability to do a proper dump without disturbance... or at days where she opens the shower door when you are bathing.. insisting that its playtime. But after the morning mayhem is all peace for the day.
I'm trying to blog her conversations as much as possible as this I know is short lived before the WHYs starts.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Always wanted aviators but my long taitai hairdo just do not match them... So I was stuck with those "big until I cannot see your face" type of sunnies...
I did a further chop from my bob and it's shorter now so I was on the hunt for my Ray.Bans. So happy I found one that suits me :)

Am going for the pixie cut next... Can't wait keke
I did a further chop from my bob and it's shorter now so I was on the hunt for my Ray.Bans. So happy I found one that suits me :)
Am going for the pixie cut next... Can't wait keke
Toy of the year
23 months
wow.... 23 months
Terrible two has been real mild.. or should I say her infancy stage was the killer and everything else pales in comparison. Yes there are time she screams and whinges when things don't get her way but its usually just fatigue. After 2 hours of nap she comes back a darling... Dd thinks she has split personalities keke.
This month starts her having a conversation with us.. she as started stringing her sentences. I was really proud of her one day when I was changing her diaper and she said "Daddy bought this" My mum heard and was so impressed; hell me too! she said BOUGHT not buy!!!! like some genius hahaha... okay I know its really lame.... but children don't know the difference and maybe she just ticam.
I somehow think she is either 1)colour blind or 2) just like the colour purple... she says purple most! can't absolutely point out colours or rather not remember even we went through it so many times, it actually drives me mad! oh well... whatever.
She is damn clever to choose her clothes, which by the way explains her "orbit" taste. Crappy! She wants to be dressed in her home clothes most, next comes tshirt and shorts, then if she ever choses a dress (forced) its those market $5- $10 dresses bought by the grandaunties which usually has a ugly coloured bear or odd flower or bad co-ordinated prints. *I give up... well I don't throw them coz its new right? but its really meant to be worn to walk around but not to classy places.. oh and she likes hand me down clothes ALOT. I guess coz its worn into.. so material are really comfortable. If I do get to chose the clothes, she hates black,white,brown... loves green, purple, red.
So totally not eating this month.. like totally NOT EATING!!! so its pediasure to the rescue ... totally milk junkie and junkie junkie junkie of all sorts aka as biscuits. Give up... no intention of fighting with her for she has her own mind. So its back to 4 times of milk.. by force by me. Like she is a junkie right? still must chose one... I have a bag of like 4-5 types of biscuits in the car for the princess to make her decision before I drive off... if not *hmmppfff = irritating Victoria who will "mummy x 1000 + eat x 1000" Cannot think straight....
We started to teach her to call names... she can call her own Victoria, Daddy Trevor, Mummy Flo, Nana Barbs, Pops John... not bad not bad :)
Terrible two has been real mild.. or should I say her infancy stage was the killer and everything else pales in comparison. Yes there are time she screams and whinges when things don't get her way but its usually just fatigue. After 2 hours of nap she comes back a darling... Dd thinks she has split personalities keke.
This month starts her having a conversation with us.. she as started stringing her sentences. I was really proud of her one day when I was changing her diaper and she said "Daddy bought this" My mum heard and was so impressed; hell me too! she said BOUGHT not buy!!!! like some genius hahaha... okay I know its really lame.... but children don't know the difference and maybe she just ticam.
I somehow think she is either 1)colour blind or 2) just like the colour purple... she says purple most! can't absolutely point out colours or rather not remember even we went through it so many times, it actually drives me mad! oh well... whatever.
She is damn clever to choose her clothes, which by the way explains her "orbit" taste. Crappy! She wants to be dressed in her home clothes most, next comes tshirt and shorts, then if she ever choses a dress (forced) its those market $5- $10 dresses bought by the grandaunties which usually has a ugly coloured bear or odd flower or bad co-ordinated prints. *I give up... well I don't throw them coz its new right? but its really meant to be worn to walk around but not to classy places.. oh and she likes hand me down clothes ALOT. I guess coz its worn into.. so material are really comfortable. If I do get to chose the clothes, she hates black,white,brown... loves green, purple, red.
So totally not eating this month.. like totally NOT EATING!!! so its pediasure to the rescue ... totally milk junkie and junkie junkie junkie of all sorts aka as biscuits. Give up... no intention of fighting with her for she has her own mind. So its back to 4 times of milk.. by force by me. Like she is a junkie right? still must chose one... I have a bag of like 4-5 types of biscuits in the car for the princess to make her decision before I drive off... if not *hmmppfff = irritating Victoria who will "mummy x 1000 + eat x 1000" Cannot think straight....
We started to teach her to call names... she can call her own Victoria, Daddy Trevor, Mummy Flo, Nana Barbs, Pops John... not bad not bad :)
stickers are her favourite = expensive game |
23 months and still on our bed.. but we are loving it... coz she will be this small once |
guess who has the $45 teether? |
on a regular day watching Wiggles ... lined up all her toys to enjoy the concert *face upset coz i disturb her by taking photo .. oh well |
finally got her into the pool after 2 months!!!! crappy year end weather .... |
she loves to play with tissue... everyday before she sleeps or when she is bored.. give her a tissue |
she will tear the tissue into strips, rolls it an creates flower... *not taught by anyone |
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Christmas day + boxing day
Like I mentioned in the earlier post, we woke up with massive headache. Did church in the morning, V sang a Happy Birthday song to Jesus... was real sweet and it melted our hearts...
Then came home to lunch and we slept more! Tays' celebration starts late afternoon and so we took our time to move our butts. We had food and chatted around for about 3 hours with my cousins/relatives and went to Grandma Pam (Grandma Ng's twin sister) to eat eat eat.... by 9 pm we were so stuffed it wasn't funny. V went berserk after eating a small piece of chocolate cake... running and screaming around the place. So we though the chocolate was too rich or something for she is not a fan of chocolate. But after few days later, we realized the chocolate cake was infused with brandy/bailey *opps to the max!!! no wonder she was going crazy.
At dinner that night, DD 's cousin brought a caucasian chap who sort of gate crashed, a nice 60-70 years old man who came to Singapore to spend christmas/nye here, basically to escape from the cold in London. After much chatting, we realized he is some billionaire with many hotels and shopping malls around the world! wow... people like that don't come dropping infront of your doorsteps. So I asked him his secret of being so successful in life ... he replied "I work to eat... its that simple" hmmm simple right? I think I'm seeing him again tomorrow, so more questions will be asked.
After much probing after he left, we discovered that he was actually a guest in a hotel in england where my cousin's newly wedded wife was working and apparently he got so sick, he was stuck in the hotel for months and was nursed back to health by the staffs in the hotel. By which has become real close friends of his.. well nice story isn't it? "Do unto others like how you like others to do until you"
The next day was dinner at Ern's place... so was more yummilious food by ern's mummy didn't take photos as I just attacked it. More gifts for the little ones and V didn't wait long to open her presents as it has been going on for 2 days already.
Then after the mayhem, the kiddos decided it was real cool to exchange pointers on their gadgets. Note the boys took the big ones...
Then came home to lunch and we slept more! Tays' celebration starts late afternoon and so we took our time to move our butts. We had food and chatted around for about 3 hours with my cousins/relatives and went to Grandma Pam (Grandma Ng's twin sister) to eat eat eat.... by 9 pm we were so stuffed it wasn't funny. V went berserk after eating a small piece of chocolate cake... running and screaming around the place. So we though the chocolate was too rich or something for she is not a fan of chocolate. But after few days later, we realized the chocolate cake was infused with brandy/bailey *opps to the max!!! no wonder she was going crazy.
At dinner that night, DD 's cousin brought a caucasian chap who sort of gate crashed, a nice 60-70 years old man who came to Singapore to spend christmas/nye here, basically to escape from the cold in London. After much chatting, we realized he is some billionaire with many hotels and shopping malls around the world! wow... people like that don't come dropping infront of your doorsteps. So I asked him his secret of being so successful in life ... he replied "I work to eat... its that simple" hmmm simple right? I think I'm seeing him again tomorrow, so more questions will be asked.
After much probing after he left, we discovered that he was actually a guest in a hotel in england where my cousin's newly wedded wife was working and apparently he got so sick, he was stuck in the hotel for months and was nursed back to health by the staffs in the hotel. By which has become real close friends of his.. well nice story isn't it? "Do unto others like how you like others to do until you"
The next day was dinner at Ern's place... so was more yummilious food by ern's mummy didn't take photos as I just attacked it. More gifts for the little ones and V didn't wait long to open her presents as it has been going on for 2 days already.
Then after the mayhem, the kiddos decided it was real cool to exchange pointers on their gadgets. Note the boys took the big ones...
On the eve + day
After the christmas supper, we decided to open all her presents from the Ngs... DD & MM went for a drink that night as I sort of predicted that we will be tied up next xmas or not fit to go clubbing hahah... but heck the clubbing scene, no longer our cup of tea just the drinking and chatting were really fun. V slept with Grandma Ng till we returned. Man! the headache we both had was bad.. so much for champagne!
Anyway, V will not be getting presents for her birthday as she received too many this christmas as we would prefer angbao *winks please... I will be donating her monies to charity for her 2nd birthday.
just from the 5 of us.... |
her 1st pressie was from her secret santa.. thankyou! |
aunty nita bought her a pram to walk her toys around the compound |
she got herself a chair too! |
the tradition starts in 2010 |
what was left the next morning.... |
and of course Santa left her a Christmas present!!! |
so excited to receive a christmas present for Santa... so its opening his present on christmas morning! |
Xmas fare
Just a typical Xmas supper... a tradition in the Ng's family... we eat all these every christmas eve.
So its dinner, church (depends on plans), then supper at 11pm, party/drinking session AND supper again at 3/4 am. Damn fattening, but heck its really just once a year.
I had my camera so I decided to intro some foods we eat... on top of these few dishes there are the whole turkey and leg of ham which we have to devour for the next few days...
Now u know why I complain of being fat.... oh then we have to go every house on christmas and eat again.. Chinese new year is easy compared to this
So its dinner, church (depends on plans), then supper at 11pm, party/drinking session AND supper again at 3/4 am. Damn fattening, but heck its really just once a year.
I had my camera so I decided to intro some foods we eat... on top of these few dishes there are the whole turkey and leg of ham which we have to devour for the next few days...
Now u know why I complain of being fat.... oh then we have to go every house on christmas and eat again.. Chinese new year is easy compared to this
Mulligatawny soup - anglo indian dish but I have no idea why so christmassy about it.. it rawks ! |
Grandma Ng famous Devils curry.... yes no 2 eurasian lady has this recipe same |
Curry Feng... the offal and meat dish.. Happs!!!! |
Nonya Salad... a pass me down recipe that I so so love!! |
Grandma Ng's infamous shepherds pie... like its really her dish as every sister in the family has their dish right? Hers is this and Siamese mee siam (out of this world!) |