Wednesday, January 19, 2011


just a rant post...

I swear I don't F understand women... Y must gossip and talk bad? Its been 3 years since I am dealing with adults and I swear I totally understand why I was who I was before. The swearing, the cursing is to make me feel better from dealing with the horrible people that cross my path! I totally had in smacked in my face to hear the gossip by one certain human being that is hovering around in my life which I can't get rid off but has to be around type. 

Yesterday sucked but because my new plucking feather -"not to affected by others", which I just made after attending my 2nd 7 habits last week. If I didn't chose to pluck this feather, I swear the vulgarities would have been F flying! but the new me is clearly upset but controlled.

I forgot that in this society one has to defensive in what one does. After hanging around with great people like you guys reading my blog and my mummies friends which by the way you are the people I love most! I became a tame, controlled, well mannered person although I still say Fxxx very often but its of no harm. 

If Florinda was Florinda 3 years back, I swear her hair will be pulled by me and there would be flying glasses. But today I decided to sit in front of my computer sorting my thoughts and stumbled on this quote "People who talk bad about another person to cause harm, They seem to feel like you have some major impact in their life and they are scared of you" Muahahhahah key word *scared* Interesting, which mean I'm a threat. 

I have a rebellious streak , a very strong one, a scorpio one... you say I cannot , I WILL DO IT!!! I swear this is my driving force in life, I said a prayer to god to make me a capable person and this is his choice of  challenge for me. 

Thank you for reading my rant .


Jasopheleb said...

one of the reason i left nursing too... filled with women who gossips and back stabs! well done mummy for being in control hehe. we love u back too! muackz!

Angela said...

It's life. Don't get upset over something that don't worth us to be upset about. They just feel jelous that we are better than them. Relax and cheer up. Smile :)

Katherine said...

Hugs, dear! You have done the right thing to be in control.. :) These people not worth for you to get upset with. :)

Unknown said...

tks babes.. Im so glad u all understand me..

I have since recovered!! hahahha