Sunday, January 2, 2011

23 months

wow.... 23 months

Terrible two has been real mild.. or should I say her infancy stage was the killer and everything else pales in comparison. Yes there are time she screams and whinges when things don't get her way but its usually just fatigue. After 2 hours of nap she comes back a darling... Dd thinks she has split personalities keke.

This month starts her having a conversation with us.. she as started stringing her sentences. I was really proud of her one day when I was changing her diaper and she said "Daddy bought this" My mum heard and was so impressed; hell me too! she said BOUGHT not buy!!!! like some genius hahaha... okay I know its really lame.... but children don't know the difference and maybe she just ticam.

I somehow think she is either 1)colour blind or 2) just like the colour purple... she says purple most! can't absolutely point out colours or rather not remember even we went through it so many times, it actually drives me mad! oh well... whatever.

She is damn clever to choose her clothes, which by the way explains her "orbit" taste. Crappy! She wants to be dressed in her home clothes most, next comes tshirt and shorts, then if she ever choses a dress (forced) its those market $5- $10 dresses bought by the grandaunties which usually has a ugly coloured bear or odd flower or bad co-ordinated prints. *I give up...  well I don't throw them coz its new right? but its really meant to be worn to walk around but not to classy places.. oh and she likes hand me down clothes ALOT. I guess coz its worn into.. so material are really comfortable. If I do get to chose the clothes, she hates black,white,brown... loves green, purple, red.

So totally not eating this month.. like totally NOT EATING!!! so its pediasure to the rescue ... totally milk junkie and junkie junkie junkie of all sorts aka as biscuits. Give up... no intention of fighting with her for she has her own mind. So its back to 4 times of milk.. by force by me. Like she is a junkie right? still must chose one... I have a bag of like 4-5 types of biscuits in the car for the princess to make her decision before I drive off... if not *hmmppfff = irritating Victoria who will "mummy x 1000 + eat x 1000" Cannot think straight....

We started to teach her to call names... she can call her own Victoria, Daddy Trevor, Mummy Flo, Nana Barbs, Pops John... not bad not bad :)
stickers are her favourite = expensive game
23 months and still on our bed.. but we are loving it... coz she will be this small once
guess who has the $45 teether?
on a regular day watching Wiggles ... lined up all her toys  to enjoy the concert *face upset coz i disturb her by taking photo .. oh well
finally got her into the pool after 2 months!!!! crappy year end weather .... 
she loves to play with tissue... everyday before she sleeps or when she is bored.. give her a tissue 
she will tear the tissue into strips, rolls it an creates flower... *not taught by anyone  

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