Birth Story - 27 September 2012 Kate Lauren
For those who missed Victoria eden's birth story. That birth story seem to pale in comparison to Kate's
Like I mention in my last post that we have to be induced due to low amniotic fluid, Dr Han says it means that the placenta is not supplying enough blood to the baby. So he decided on thursday as D day as I will need to take meds to clear my sudden increase in discharge on Tues.
27Sep: We left home at about 130am or so, DD slept but I was fidgety and decided that a bowl of instant noodles was more appealing than sleep. Dinner was KFC, DD came back just to drive me to have a nice meal.. Did I mention that I don't eat at home for this baby? Anyways we found this awesome KFC joint near home that has the most authentic KFC, its odd that this franchise has different tastes in different outlet. Well this one has THE SMELL! u know that smell.. yea its awesome. Okie I'm diverting ...
2am : Arrived at KKH delivery suite at abouts 2am, why this god forsaken timing? (Dr Han says that 2am they don't charge for the room till morning... how true I won't know until the bills arrives. ) so I was brought to the observatory ward, took off the bottoms and the nurses did their usual checks - I was 1 cm dilated and inserted something inside, I suppose was that pill I always read about. We watched Tv and there was cable which was awesome, finished an episode of Casar Milan and then the pain kicked in at about 330, I was having contraction of 1-2 mins - which to the nurses was pretty quick, checked and was dilated 2 cm. Tried reading Facebook which was boring at 4am and did blog hopping at that time. I lay there and then we both snoozed, me in between contractions. pretty uncomfortable to sleep with all the machine strapped to u and the nurses coming in to check why I was missing readings.. zzz. *I was praying to St Gerard and asking for a fast delivery.
5am : Medical officer came to tell me that contraction were pretty close and if I wanted to go back my private suite to sleep or wait for Dr Han. We decided to wait for Dr Han as it was silly to travel.. *so i think. They came back and informed me that Dr Han will only come in 8-9ish and they are arranging me a delivery suite. We waited and was transferred at about 7-ish... by then my pain was intense *I rate 4. Time seem to stand still whilst in pain :(
930am: anyways Dr Han came, broke my water bag *I freaking hate this, so much discomfort. I had no water! I could feel trickling only... so we made the right move inducing. Gave me my hand drip thingy, took blood, inserted that saline + oxy -something.
He left us and asked if I wanted pain relief.. If I counted correctly, I was asked this at least 10 x from inducing till then. Though I was surprised he asked as he was very much pro natural, he checked my records and although my previous was 3.5 hours without epi. He left and said " pain, ask for pain relief okie, see u and take care" He left and my neighbour was screaming!! the nurses came in for a shift change and I asked if baby was born? they were "oh, she is planning to take epi, she just came in" Me n Trev was like WTF. I mean she was really loud .... anyways..
11am: The next 2 hours was torture, the nagging contractions pain has intensified, my energy bar has reached a new low... coz controlling it was draining me. I tried sleeping but no avail and I could feel myself getting pale. The room felt warmer... I was winching. The nurse checked and I was 3 cm *ONLY, I heard myself curse in my head like freaking how long more ;( I lied on my side and had my rosary by my side (the one that went missing, oh this needs a blog post). I drifted in between consciousness, could keep hearing "epidural , epidural" It's odd okie coz I have never read up on this procedure and NEVER cross my mind to do this. I controlled for another 1 hours or so and asked "Laogong, should I take Epidural? its insanely pain and I wonder if this dilating will take another day?" He was like "I think you better, you are damn pale already" I pondered and waited out another 15 mins to decide. * I was praying to St Gerard for a QUICK delivery
I have shared with Trev about the record no of mummies in my sep thread who was induced and waited close to 30 over hours for birth and there were a few who had to have emergency c-sect due to low heartbeat. I was thinking if I was going to be one of them.
The nurse came in and I asked for epidural. Told her specifically to get me a power anaesthesian and she brought me a breath of fresh air, the Dr was so bubbly and fresh with her colorful headgear. I knew at that moment I was in safe safe hands. She did her explanation about the procedure and amazingly DD had questions for her. I believe he was researching it whilst I was trying to rest. Anyway to cut the story short, we administered it, she was swift and slightly pain free lol. It had to be done in between my intense contractions and I was held firmly by the nurse and a supportive hand squeezing husband. I have no idea what went on but I know there was many jabs and tapping and plastering of my back... cold tingling sensation down my feet which was odd yes the pain was still there. :(
12pm: My burst of fresh air left the room coz of emergency some where, there is this thing bothering me about the hospital. The crazy announcements about "code blue, code green, code red" F##$ people dying and collapsing near me ain't nice. Bad energy, negative thoughts... hahhah...
1215pm: Oh then epi sets in... I was OMmmmmm. for a while, nurse checked and I was 3 cm still, we watched Tv, some Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler show on HBO. Snoozed for 1/2 an hour or so and I felt pain. Asked the nurse why am I feeling pain? she left and came back after aeons to me came back to tell me I have too much pee and its pressing on my uterus. Poke me there to drain the pee * the thought of it :(
1245pm: She collected I think to me 1litre of pee, the freaking container was full!! The pressure went away then the suddenly it all came back X 100! I was like "WTF I paid money to feel pain??"" I asked for the gas, and again everything seem to move so slowly.. I mean its suppose to be near me right? *f*&^!! Gassed myself crazy I think, midwife came and I was dilated to 9cm, like freaking suddenly. The momentum of the room was crazy, I felt crazy, hot, wanted to scream... counting the contractions and gassing! aim for 10 breaths each round, man it was argghh... at 10 cm I was crazy high coz I believe my body was in shock at the intense sudden contraction :S *like again why do I dilate so fast? Nurse asked me how much pain, I swear if my finger could raise up, I would have given her the 3rd finger.
Midwife did breathing exercise n pushing thingy with me, I can't feel meself pushing but YET I CAN FEEL PAIN! At this point the logic sense of me wasn't making sense.... it was a whirlwind kinda feel. In fact nothing made sense... whatever. Dr Han finally arrived after 2 calls, was irritating as he still had time to change to his operation gear *like seriously? fashion show or what?
So the hulaboolus of labour and pushing and breathing.. standard la. But I didn't scream like that crazy neighbor of mine *tsk to her. I was very scientology like... Ommm so I think, no noise, just counting and waiting for instructions and telling myself NO MORE BIRTHS. Don't ask me how many push or pushes I did... I couldn't really feel that poo feeling like a birth without epi. YET I WAS IN PAIN? Do u all what I am trying to say? I swear I read that its a painless process... anyway the brain and body was not co-ordinating ... the baby arrives with a slight cry then angry ones. Not as fiesty as Victoria but eventually she caught up. hahahaha
DD 1st words was, "I think no more births, this round is really terrible with so many poking." I had to remind him to get the camera and snap.. *men-rolls eyes. I was poked more, here and there... didn't bother as miraculously NO PAIN. Fun huh... I still cannot reason why I was in so much of pain... okie maybe I didn't read to know what to expect then.
We had the cord blood donated and placenta to be encapsulated this round. Oh then the movie just ended.
In prayers, God deciphers Fast and Quick very well, so pray correctly.
Kate Lauren 3.408kg , 50 cm, 33 cm
1/2 hour to dilate 7 cm.. no joke
In prayers, God deciphers Fast and Quick very well, so pray correctly.
Kate Lauren 3.408kg , 50 cm, 33 cm
1/2 hour to dilate 7 cm.. no joke
Oh Daddy won 4D for her birthdate... his 1st time. Amazing:)
one last look |
9-ish at the delivery suite |
awesome weight, she wasn't clean enough with 3 coconuts.. need to up that lol |
my gyane who went on a fashion show |
us after 12 hours in hospital.. waiting |
my husband's clever photo taking... |
Congrats Flo, lovely baby! Your birth experience is quite similar to mine, minus the gassing and the intense pain! I also broke water bag at 9-ish, and by 12 plus, ready to go. And yes, the last half hour is dilating super fast from 3 to 10 cm. The first few hours is to soften the cervix so that it can dilate - once it's soft, it's "zero to hero"!! Congrats again, let us know when we can visit and see your lovely princess!
And thank your lucky stars that you only had to wait for your gynae to change - I had to wait for the whole delivery team to go have their lunch and come back!! Hahaha!
congratulations to you :)
Wooo so cute! Congrats!
Another lovely baby to your family - needs a dramatic 'exit' from your tummy lah! :p Congratz Florinda!
Congrats! I love reading on birth stories, you were awesome throughout! =) Ain't mums the greatest.. =)
love ur birth story la hahahha congrats on kate :)!
Congratz to you for a very cute baby:)
thanks all for dropping by... it has been a great birth, not that every birth should be like this la.
both births has its pros and cons, not preferring any though. hahaha.
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