Monday, December 31, 2012

Year 2012

As the the year comes to an end, we have many things to be grateful for. 1st of course is God blessing us with health, safety, abundance, family and friends. 2nd clarity of the mind and the heart. 3rd great relationship as husband and wife 4th fantastic parents to V & K 

Trevor and I have set our goals for 2013, its going to be a build up to bigger goals for our new home. Yes we sort of finally agree to skipping few steps and settle on the final dream took us very long to decide on this as the cash part is very steep for us but after sleeping on it for about 2 years, we finally got the guts to move forth. So small goals 1st...

We are quite set on a holiday trip just not sure where lol ... but its important to take time off work and spend time as a couple. 2013 is going to be pretty cramp with V school so we need to get into a routine 1st.

I doubt baby making is on the cards although I would really like more... yes at times I agree with Trev that children expenses are getting too high. So the husband must digest and work out his finances 1st! but nevertheless we still would love 4 kids, like what my friend told me "If Gods sends, God provides" Trev was actually very much against having the 3rd after K came to have another but kept real slient when I "gave" him this statement wahahaha.

So 2013 is all about getting busy with the children with school, weaning, boobies feeding, teething, business growth and balancing time with family. I thank God for sending us this 2 angels, giving us meaning in whatever we work for and strive for.

3 months KL

KL 6.4KG 67CM
the time went past pretty swift huh! like what happen?
I love being a mother! watching Kate grow up daily is such pleasure. Yerm.. we walk up daily 10-11am, we max our sleep hehe, wont be long as next year we gotta leave home by 11am daily. Gotta treasure it while it lasts. K is growing so well its not funny la! We measured her and she grew close 10cm since her 6weeks check! I ran back my old posts and V was a mere 60.5cm at 3 months! This one has legs so long for a infant, she looks like 6 month-er. Weight wise she is not a chummy baby and oh have I failed to mention? TEETHING!! ya at 3 months la...
on the 27th-her 3rd month. She had a slight fever at 37.7, gave her some meds to bring it down and it didn't come back. The next day, she did the poo - the seedy ones that bb has when teething. oh well... so fast! DAMN :( Just today, she bit me while I was latching her in the afternoon and "kiap" "tugged" just before she slept for the night zzzz
we went visiting and everyone agrees that 3 months is way to young to teething. oh well, wish us luck.....
enjoy the last of her gummy smiles.. I think we have a great looking baby here..

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


its been crazy 2days...

Xmas is THE BIG day to us like how cny is to most chinese. Yeah im chinese but cny fades in comparision with the church going n family celebrations. AND feasting during Xmas is way way sinful coz we have great chefs!!

Im so stuffed coz in a day I stuffed 3 different turkeys, hams, devils curry, sugee cakes, chocolate etc into my supposely "diet-ing" body *wails . Tomorrow lies more, coz it time to.clear up the cakes. This year alone my house fridge holds 4 freaking big cakes.. n sadly they are delicious which means i cannot help not eating it!!


Thursday, December 20, 2012

10 weeks old

K has been a darling, oh think I have been saying this so very often. She gets all pampered but the minute I have her in my arms, the grumbling starts hahha. Trev says "she must kenna ur smell" of course la right, what is a mummy for?

I have been blogging from my phone, which explains I cant edit my photos n comment it. *oppsy but it also explains the sudden influx of posts! (i got scolding from my regular readers for being slow in updating my blog)

but yea we skipped the infant seat n started her on the big baby seat lol... she loves it too much!

the last photo- just took it, she has been hooked to my arms since 10pm, its 115am, gotta change diapers now :)

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

My new do

I got myself a haircut!

been looking around for inspiration n saw my mummy friends all getting frumpy n tired looking with 2 kids. totally REFUSED to succumb to the frummy mummy look.


HAIR:.balding hairline, lack lastre hair shine, mostly tied up in a pony tail, if not tied up, the haircut is not promising, oh and greying hair

SKIN: tired looking skin sans makeup, no glow or rather no attempt to create the glow, heavy lids, puffy eyes, dry lips, big pores... some? thick skin - havent been exfoliating for a while I guess !

BODY: that part takes more effort for most as alot of mummies breast feed and losing weight is usually last on their list. So forgivable for most... but at least look awesome when not with the children ! Have a new wardrobe to last till 6-8 mths after birth!

My new me...

at 34..

I totally forgot I had a birthday! not that its not memorable but with a newborn, she becomes THE most important thing to do on the TO DO list !

No fanciful dinner like always, I opted for JPOT! walau its the yummilicious de lor.. after being unleashed from confinement to eat this was to die for! oh i watch ah boys to men too... kekeke had a good laugh..even trev enjoyed it. Yeah this year was just this simple...

This year marks the craziest part in my career and motherhood..I accomplished so much, Im in awe of my work! Trev doesnt want me to blog about it so am keeping them in slient for another few more months keke. HE is the proudest husband about what has been happening to me and I am truly blessed to have my family who supports me.

I have set big goals in preparation of 35 which am TOTALLY sure of them all being fufilled. For now, Im basking in the joy that surrounds me. I just know my focus ia real clear and that as a mother, I will set the example.


was watching Enews that night.. yea its the only sane show I watch! hyak hyak

it says that the colour of 2013 is EMERALD! love the colour and so the obsession starts... m typing this post as im waiting for to do my nails..

be current be trendy mummies!

Saturday, December 8, 2012


u see V has a long long name... we have been taking our time n not forcing it. i mean its not like its a 2-4 letters ..that of course is fast ! she was writing vic for a long time but  victoria is a 8letter name..then came the point she knew all the letters then she writes it all jumbled up. Till recently ... now we have to master victoria eden ng. n the chinese name which she claims "mummy y my name so many windows? "

wifi is down

Shit happens when the hb is out of town.. the wifi went cuckold! arggghhh n I have tons to do online. I have to see it positive, its time to rest. But I cannot keep still! So blog la...

Maybe just some photos of V and what she does at home n some outside. I may not blog as much about her, but V goes out with me very often. She is pleasure to bring out coz she is always so well behaved. I get complimemts from strangers alot about how controlled she is despite her young age. Yea Im really proud of her, I know this one will grow up to be someone. She has the manners and is very attentive to little details. Especially in recent weeks, she grew up so much. Like 2 nights ago, she woke up and before she left the room, kissed me, went to search for Kate and kissed her on her forehead! I was really touched by her actions :D

She is really independent, NEVER wakes us up. If she is up before the sun rises, will try to snooze back. But if she has enough, she opens the door and goes down herself hahaha. Then of course she gets spoiled rotten by the helpers. She can get slightly bossy, caught her a few times.... the grandma.still insists that the helper sit with her to eat.*ARGHHHH. Thank god she autos when we are out .. I super hate her being fed, but just choses not to argue, coz i have repeated myself way too much ...I cant change the old ppl so I  insist my rules when we are out.

The helpers are really great with her, this 2 loves music..(one is a singer back home) I have caught them 4.-yes with kate, dancing n singing in the kitchen. hahaha quite a sight! If we are all out, they all hang out in their rooms talking cock. Yes V too, she actually enjoys being in that room.

If Trev is away, I allow them to watch TV in my room. lts great coz they help me put V to sleep at 8pm, put K to sleep. lol I come in and get peace...u know this is luxury !

Thursday, December 6, 2012

8 weeks KL

I cant believe its been 2 months!

I got so many things done its crazy! will blog about it once its all settle...

whilst they world says I look great, I feel fat *sigh everyone keeps reminding me.its ONLY 2 months.. okie whatever

SLEEP: Baby Kate has been awesome! I never knew sleeping through means dream feeding until my mummy thread was explaining *duh. walau like that K has been sleeping through since 6weeks.. She dream feeds about 5 or 6am but does load up from 8-930pm the night before. Then she drinks at 8am ,10am... we broke records by waking up at 1230pm before hyak hyak... terrible right? if u.wondering about the diapers, we r using merries for night n it lasta about 8-10hrs straight... trev changes the diaper for me at 7am when i dont have morning appointments.

MILK: If i do go out, she is on FM Nan HA and she is on boobies buffet when I come back. Oh this one, same as the sister, she likes to keep poo, record 5 days at moment.

EXERCISE: She has started daily tummy time with me in the morning n before she sleeps.. this photo is from this morning.. looking pretty 


the hb is away again...

this morning at 6am was crazy! i woke up with a tummy ache! then V came n.wanted to snuggle with me n remembers she didnt have milk the night before, at the same time K was due for her feed. me? needed to crap! in the end i decided to settle myself n sweet lil V ended up patting K hahaha. she was like in frenzy "how mumny how? faster poo poo, " i came back to the room to see her singing/humming to K. Was a beautiful sight... but no time for a photo! but its nice to see V all grown up n so protective.

then just now: night is always a rush, the dinner, the wash, the bath, the milk (both)

Thank god V is big enough to auto sleep, like today "mummy im tired, can u turn off my pony show? i will watch tmr" BUT before the auto sleep, she needs milk, want to touch my elbow (yea some attachment thingy) then here i am with K. who needs to be pat to  (today is a day of sensitive sensor, cant put down) by the time they both KO, im tired as i was out the whole day with morning meetings, bb shower, errands!

i so need to work on the computer then the internet plays punk! tsk... n I have no idea how to fix it! apparantly on/off machine doesnt work... then i suddenly miss the husband

but i have amazing children! thanl.god for them.. they make everything all so worth it :D

Monday, December 3, 2012

We decided to do the craziest thing and decided to put her in one of singapore's last greenery kindy! It has a arudous journey to reach here but after the disappointment from the money making schemes of childcare (even though we opted for a playgroup), I have come to believe its a cartel ;(
Me and Trev went through many days and months of talks on whether we should do it but it seems that all directions were pointing to this! Fell deeply in love with it when we were there for an school tour. It was pretty much a boring tour but I guess that 1 scene was etched into our minds. The N1 were doing their farming (yea they each have a plot of land to farm on!) and they found a moth as big as their face on the grass! you should be there to hear their screams! their excitments!They called it a brown butterfly haahha but what amazed me was after the excitment died down, no one wanted to kill it or chase it away but instead created a protective circle around it whilst the teacher got help. Every child had a opportunity to have a look and the brave ones touched it. I was looking at V's expression the whole time and knew that this was that something I want her to experience. She was in awe at the excitment and the tour continued with them showcasing their handmade art crafts, which to me n trev was amazing work from the students.
Most people who knows about our decision was concerned by the uncertainity of the school, but we believe that God has plans for us. For now we will have faith that these 2 firm years in SJCK will bring something into her life and this may be the changing factor in her future.  

sisters...loving it more n more