Thursday, February 7, 2013

4 months (me)

Here is me today...
K i cheated a little by wearing heels n stood a little taller .. wahaha.
My arms are like irritating huge, thighs are monster like *boo. Boobs grew 1/2 inch more. But I lost 1 inch from arms, 4 inch from waist, 2 inch from bum.
Till next month...


beanienus said...

You still look ever so lovely Flo! And thanks for being so brave to share a realistic 4 months pic - it makes real people like us don't feel so crappy when we see supermodels with stick like figures gracing magazines all the time. LOL

Unknown said...

it was one of my nicer photos... Its usually pretty crappie!! hahaha. N y do these ppl lose weight so fast? like wth!!!!