Thursday, January 31, 2013

4th Birthday

Okie this will be the final post of her 4th!

So after a crazy 3 days of celebrations and searching for her stuffs (the expectations of her parties), it was time for her family get together. I decided on Brussels Sprouts In East Coast because 

1. She loves the makeshift playground they have on the weekends. It just outside of the restaurant and they children are within view.

2. Its a open air concept (sheltered) and the weather has been awesome recently, so lets make good use of it. We did however felt warm by 130pm, it was nice and cool at 1130am.

3. We have 8 adults (yea so much for a party) and I needed space before it gets claustrophobic in a dark, stuffed, low ceiling restaurant . I mean we have all been there isn't it?

4. The kids eat FREE with every purchase of a main course (awesome savings yea?) Sad to say we benefitted for 1, as V was the only child. Nevertheless, its an great idea from the management! V had Ham with Toast, which came in 2 slides of ham and buttered toast, salad on the side and free flow of soft drinks. 

5. They do give a birthday cake or slice (not sure) for birthday celebrations, but V had in her mind her ideal birthday cake which my baker did an awesome job with (I got a frown when we showed her the cake, V was like "PINK MUMMY, I SAID PINK" *rolls eyes. I had to reason with her since it was a Rapunzel, it is a matching purple dress.)

6. She will not get stares from onlookers as she is in a costume (try the mall, people actually point point, like seriously?) Oh it reminded me of it took me so hard just to find this Rapunzel  dress, dozens of calls and 2 failed trips to the mall. I finally got it at Holland V, at $114! Will stock up on dresses during christmas now *lesson learned. 

7. I must comment on the food at the restaurant, although their signature mussels with miniature as compared to Europe. The Fish and chips were excellent with a large portion i must say, Pork belly looks delish (3 slides, not the Fat belly type), Lamb Shank too! I had the Beef Stew Pasta but would really love it with mashed instead. But Beef was moist and tender which mademe happy. 

8. Total bill for 8 +1 + infant  $310.  (with 5 beers - Happy hour pricing), Cakes $115 for 2 (includes the 49.90 barbie doll) . 

It was a memorable celebration for us as K turned 4 too on that day! 

This rare occurrence only can happen because both of them were born on the 27th!! Bonded by blood and date. Lovely!

*did u see how my baker tied up the princess' hair? stylo mylo

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