Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Wow I am finally back on my computer! Sorry for the lack of updates, I took a hiatus from blogging.  You know how sometimes you get stuck? Ya I had that for a while! It was emotionally draining and somehow lack the enthusiasm in life. I guess that is what we call a burnout issit it?

During the last 2 months, I took time out to travel by myself... just to give myself I deserve. Sometimes as mummies, the fact that we want to wear so many hats like everything, we forget the "ME" in the equation. After my travel, I took some time to go back to correct what had affected me. Praying, speaking to my coaches. Last but not least, I revised my course on mind control. For those who don't know yet, I am a graduate of The Silva Method. Sort of complicated to explain but if you are interested I can tell u in another post. It was just pure refreshing to go back and de-clutter the mind and Guess what, I just deleted all my photos from my hp, my camera, spent so much time organising my hard disk!!

My goals are clear for 2014, in fact very clear ! I can tell its going to me a crazy happening year!

Happy New Year and YES its great to be back!

1 comment:

pc said...

Good job on clearing and organising all your photos, Flo! i am envy with green;).

Happy new year, btw.