Thursday, January 8, 2009

At 37 weeks

At 37 weeks, her organs are fully formed and BB [V] is ready to come into the world if she wants to…

She is about 2.8 kg now and is predicted to weigh about < 3.5kg by 40 weeks. The level of the amniotic fluid is average, her head has been down since 28 weeks, but not engaged.

Dr Han wanted to know if we have any special requests to induce her before her EDD, we were like huh… for what?? He further explained that there are parents who have preference for a rat or ox baby, same reason for a 2008 or 2009 baby… But after discussion with him, as there wasn’t any medical issues for her to stay inside longer, we decided to let her chose her own birthday instead. We think that will be more natural and meaningful.

She can take these 3 weeks to fatten up and I want her lungs to mature to cope with the world's pollution. I will also take this time to finish up my bird's nest, think I willl increase from 3 days to daily intake since I still have so much.

But he did give us an ultimatum of 1st February, overdue of 4 days only, any day further she is danger zone.

He went on to open his planner and pasted my name sticker on 28 Jan 2009.

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