Sunday, January 11, 2009

Trophies of Motherhood

It finally came!! It all started about 2 weeks ago when all it looked just like a bruise; like blue black. Then it started to spread… Hey, the thing is I have been religiously putting on my oils and creams to prevent it, but I guess it is inevitable. I analysed it and I realized why I had it. You know when you butter a toast and you tend to miss the corner, ya this is my corner of the toast, my blind spot…but just that this blind spot has the capability to spread... dammnit!

Obviously I complained to DD Trev;

MM: (When it was bruise-like) Lao gong SEE!!
DD: Where got? will go away one lar...

MM: (Started to spread) HOW??
DD: Nevermind, only mothers have these... they are your trophies, my dear

MM: (Another day in front of the mirror) HOW? Y LIKE THAT??
DD: Please lar lao-po, its in some god forsaken place!! Who can see it except you and me.. Your jeans don't even go that low..

Period.. he won..End of stretch marks conversation forever...(of course i still grumble, if i remember)

If you look carefully, it actually looks like ruptured veins.. *console myself*

Lucky its on my hips not my belly,*cross fingers and toes*

(TIP: Don't keep fingernails long, CUT IT... preggers have a tendancy to scratch while sleeping... and if its itchy wash your body with cold water..wish i knew earlier, kinda asked Dr Han a little too late)

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