MM: (When it was bruise-like) Lao gong SEE!!
DD: Where got? will go away one lar...
MM: (Started to spread) HOW??
DD: Nevermind, only mothers have these... they are your trophies, my dear
MM: (Another day in front of the mirror) HOW? Y LIKE THAT??
DD: Please lar lao-po, its in some god forsaken place!! Who can see it except you and me.. Your jeans don't even go that low..
Period.. he won..End of stretch marks conversation forever...(of course i still grumble, if i remember)
If you look carefully, it actually looks like ruptured veins.. *console myself*
Lucky its on my hips not my belly,*cross fingers and toes*
(TIP: Don't keep fingernails long, CUT IT... preggers have a tendancy to scratch while sleeping... and if its itchy wash your body with cold water..wish i knew earlier, kinda asked Dr Han a little too late)
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