Wednesday, July 21, 2010

changing to something else

k im bored of this layout...

Like officially damn sianz of it.. think 2 years is a long time to be facing the same O same O... I have been saying I wanna dotcom this thingy then sat on it for the longest time. Actually decided to accept it but NOW I honestly think its time for a change. the layout is yawnzzzzzzz......

1st of all, I wanna thank all you readers who likey my blog.. BTW I just checked nuffnang and we have a average of 500 hits a week.. not too bad I think for a bb's blog. Saw in Nuffnang that this blog n ophe's blog has a lot of common referrals hahaha.

Me been doing a lot of reading around people's blog and seeing how to improve mine, since I'm still a new at this. Saw some's have video on how they do things using skills, sell their loots, links to facebook etc. Im so sick of facebooking la, there is so much I can do there... which explains why I'm hardly inside now. I go kpo a little on my iphone, you see I don't even switch on my lappie.

So planning planning abit... think its not going to only a Victoria's blog solely .. may want to add a huge chunk of my life into it.. mainly more shits from me lol. Think I have alot as a person to share, I am full of shit remember?


Anonymous said...

Not full of shit lah...full of INFORMATION :)

One day I'll dot come blendedbaby too but not now.

Unknown said...

i realized u dunch like it when i say "shit" lol

Jasopheleb said...

yo! wa how u check got how many hits?! i am super bored of my blog too lor! wanna change but dunnoe how leh! how are u doing it can share tips ma? mine is some more lor and i super dunnoe how to make use of the website la... haiz.

Unknown said...

U nuffnang too rite? Ydy I go kaypo logged in and under personal acc got stats one u koe!!! So country bumpkin *shys*.. Our accounts link link together one lol , which means they go ur blog n then come mine or vice versa lei...

I still thinking wat to do, ya I think u r under using ur dotcom lor... But since we hv common readers maybe we shld do something together!

Jasopheleb said...

Wow ok ok very cool! I go check it out... oh do what do what? i dun even know how to change the outlook of the blog mua ha ha!

Rachel L. said...

hey babes, have a makeover for your blogs then! log in and see see look look, explore and mess ard abit. =) hmmm, change the template for a start??

oh, if you and ophe r keen, we can meet up and help you here and there. M not expert nor pro in blogging but looking at my 2 blogs... ok la hor?? haha

Unknown said...

R: haha me n ophe ae willing to take up ur offer ah!!! she say where to learn? ur hse ? lol