Wednesday, July 28, 2010

my readers

last week I received this in my mail box...

Zahra is turning ONE.. who Zahra? She is the baby of one of the mummies I met through my blog, she too was a TBF mummy and was reading my blog for encouragement. We became MSN friends and meet up once for makan.... sms regularly just to update on life. Now this month, her daughter turns 1... so fast la, the kiddos are all growing up so fast.

I met alot of nice mummies here through my blog and I think its really cool to know all of you, one of you all the way from Norway.. who is now I believe due soon for her 2nd one.

Few of u have already become my FB friends LOL...


Diana said...

Aisey! Your long essays very inspirational lah. Thats why must everyday kepo and come visit this blog! Hope to intro my boy to your girl soon =)

Unknown said...

hahah.. im dying to meet D la... must meet up when u come bac k.. buy him a car! "bring V out"