Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Me n my scones

We had lunch with my girlfriend ... Who btw is my personal shopper (loves her deep!) today my package includes pearl powder, the oh so "in" jeggings and the oh my F-ing famous scones from Marks and Spencer in London! I still lead a life like how I was flying man! That day was a bag of my foodstuffs from toyko! Woots woots...

Came to the east to drop off princess as I need to go somewhere to do my challenge and make calls, buy DD T's birthday cake.

So auntie nita took her to her room to sleep.. While I opened my yummilous scones, took the new paper and read while savouring! So the news articles was depressing... 1st was the freak accident at the driving centre, the gal fell off the building.. 2nd page a young boy lost his arm in a freak accident... 3rd the oh so sad story about the boy who got killed and his father who stood by the pillar facing away from the crowd. At this point , I lost my appetite in finishing my last bite of the scone....

Best part.. There wasn't any happy news or gossips in that paper... I still feel depress

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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