Saturday, December 4, 2010


So I was like darn sick for the last 2 weeks... Crap!

It all started with V's teething episode then came some fever from her which by the way completely recovered in like 2 days. Then DD T caught some bug and he was down for 3 days, so came me... when the whole world recovered, mine shut down... can't be help as I was the one with the sleepless nights when the teething and her fever, so the immune system hit a new high low.

I swear it was the most atrocious timing as I had a busy week after my bday was the one that was the most packed with classes and so I popped Panadol Extra to tahan tahan tahan..... didn't help that my SIL caught the HFMD from goodness knows where and WE were banned from the house. So I real down with no help except my mom's for that week, I had to shuttle to so many places and thank god we had 2 cars that week for the FIL left on a work trip. I refused to see the doctors and I know if I do so, I will crash due to the medicine. DD T took time off work to help assist me while I did my work.... all in a dazed.

So finally I made time to see the Dr who by the way made me sicker than I was already.. a complain which I wrote about the last post.  Saw the Dr again and I had ear block 2 days after, dripping nose the 3rd and now a severe migraine today! like so sobssss.....

Last week was bad too as I so so regretted signing up the holiday program in JG for the 9 am class... like omfg was so f-ing early it wasn't funny!!!! we had to wake up at 700 each day... arggghh, V got upset with us and DD T was like no way to 9 am classes (even though he was the one that suggested 9am to try out) You all should have seen V every morning.. PALE coz she was sleepy. hahaha.. actually we too. Came back today by 4pm to try sleep more but both of us got up within a hour damnz! princess is still asleep though which is great.

Do you all know I haven't even gone for my birthday dinner!!! no fine dining for me for I only crave for a "mala" steamboat!!! still waiting for me to be healthy .. oh its harry potter day tml night, like f-finally!!!

I have lots of thoughts for I think the writing bug is back... so its blogging day :)

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