Friday, December 17, 2010

tech babies

we royce-ed today..

for those who has no idea what is Royce.. its a play gym or rather toys galore in Liang court.. its our latest hangout for its really damn nice lor!

anyway... this was what happened during lunch at Tampopo

I believe John was the one who had the iphone throughout then came Caleb, whom was chose by V to mimic throughout the lunch... she did exactly what he did during lunch.... From eating the ramen to corn to yakult then of course the iphone hahhaha

I admit we do use iphone as nannies at times though hardly meal times or church time... I do however limit it to a certain extent but I fail to do so for the DVD player in the car *opps.. its my survival tool !!!

Stumbled on this article in yahoo about the young boy who is world's youngest iphone app developer. Cool!

So I guess there is a future for our kids!

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