Saturday, April 30, 2011

27 months

Fast hor....

Since I have completed my challenge and rested my body real well this 3 months. I fulfilled everything I set myself to achieve this few months and am back to being the super hands on mummy of my princess.... She will still school everyday at her playgroup with she so love and I'm on a search to add back the enrichments . DD T was commenting that he has been feeling pretty "rich" with no additional expenses of V's and shopping of mine (no time to go wine, dine and shop!!!) Every weekend in the past I will want to buy this or that, now I have become like him, shop what I want and chop chop go home to rest. Hahhaha.. guess I'm no track to be a successful businesswomen, anyway shopping will start soon as we need new stuffs and stock up on others. There is a need to rearrange the rooms and whatever is to come.

Today we bought her a new potty, tried like 4-5 potties in the shop... finally she like one. Bought back home and she sort of drama as usual... not keen on potty-ing but rather use it like a cupboard to store her stuffs. Hahahha, decided to start her on it as she has been informing us pretty much on time with her poo-ing and pee-ing. Will try to get a post on her potty training... for now its just a container with a flap.

Wedding anniversary

A happy marriage is the union of two good forgivers ~ Ruth Bell Graham

How true is that statement! Anyway we celebrated our another anniversary on the 28th April, lost count, think 4 or 5 or 6? I'm quite the man in this aspect, never have the capability to remember birthdates etc. Always end up early one day or late one day for people's birthday. Then the wedding date I remember but cannot count the years. Lame...

We did the usual dinner, spending quality time together, had a stroll in ECP enjoying the peace before it ends... 

I achieved my Sales Director on the same day!!! woo hoo.. all my hardwork for the last 1 year has paid off and I'm right on track on my goals. Will be setting new ones for the next 2 years... Yes I know I'm fantastic!!! But nevertheless I busted my ass, mind you.... They say a women this generation must be both strong and yet feminine. I do agree to this statement... the man actually respect a women loads more. I know my husband does and he is super proud of me!! 

Was sharing over dinner with DD T about the women I come across in my MK career and how is it that I realized in Singapore the couple shares the bills in the house. An simple example is this mother of 2 is given $800 a month for food, diapers, milk for the whole family and yet has to share her bills with the husband. Like omg!! how can a husband expect the wife to pay bills??? *faint. Or that another lady works, pays for the family and car etc, husband doesn't work and she goes with him on weekend to the coffeeshop to serve kopi.  *double faint A lot of people around me always tell me how gullible I am in my life... actually I do think I am very >.< 

My new career is actually help this women find an outlet to earn extra income. Seriously to some earning $200 is a big deal as this money is for them to buy clothes. Or others earning $1000-$2000 to save up for a holiday. Whatever it is, I am blessed to be in a happy marriage... which is why I make so much effort in helping others, Say it as a mission or a career, whichever it is. I must treasure what I have and take this opportunity to enrich and impact others too. 

I have new challenges ... its great news and can't wait to embark on it ;)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Election Fever

like oh my gawd the drama of this election....

My whole FB is bombarded by all these election videos, shout outs, blog updates etc. Quite the boring actually... I should be excited since its my 1st vote in 32 years but seriously not keen. 1st I don't even know what my constituency is... the government makes it so complicated. Am I Punggol East or Punggol Pasir Ris? Why cannot just Punggol?

I used to advocate change, thinking change is good. But sadly to say my 1 chance in my flying days that I took trouble to vote, made me realized that change is not exactly the way to go. 11 years I started flying and it was the Best Airline in the World and recently it became Asia Leading Airline... like WTF? At the time I felt it was time to let the old guards go, for the only had minds for a certain quadrant and neglected  the rest. So it was time to move on... alas I tell you... My work life went downhill together.  Why? When a system is in place for 40-50 over years and if you do want to change.. you end up sacrificing loads! I swear loads!!!!!! Its always a butter trade... I want more money for inflight allowance, I swap with the 4 stars hotel to 3 stars... this is one great example. Of course there is a long list but I will not go into details. A change of new guards usually is all issues of money, but isn't it the way to go?  Seriously nope.

That day I spoke to my girlfriend and she told me its not about the system, we have to work around the system. Which brought me to think.... most people who are up there, or are not concerned what the government implements because they have already worked around the system or rather is fast enough to think around it. Those who are ranting most are those whom I shall say have not. Yes I do agree that there are some old guards in our current system that should move on, but nevertheless... have you seen the quality of the oppositions? With the exceptions of a few that I truly respect for their passion, the rest were *rolls eyes. Yes I agree that there is a new fresh face which impressed me much, but if you go into detail about what is said, Its empathy that is her strength... then you compare with the other "fresh" face , she honestly have all formulas wrong. She annunciates terribly, shows a wrong body language half the time, basically "kiam pa" face. People like that cannot be in politics, you need a pleasant face to garner votes. This statement by the way applies to some opposition males which seems to be unruly when they talk. hahhahaha

Then people go into details about floods, YOG, Mas... that is yes.. complacency. Then housing issues are just personal choices, My parents bought their place in Bishan 20 freaking years ago for $190k++, now its worth $450k ++, that is a good thing right? But the whole world is complaining about no houses, I have friends who wants to but a flat that this and that place coz near town, no cte, no pie (aka no jams to deal with ), must have mrt, shopping centre.. and wants it less than $300k. Eh seriously? Ermm, I moved to Punggol because I worked around the system. Trust me I almost gave up.... but at the end. Whats wrong with being at the end of the nel line? I take CTE , PIE.. in fact I have to take all the expressways in the Singapore to reach anywhere.

Yes the only issue that bother me is the baby one.. but does that stop me from having one? No la... my goodness. If I chose to use government regulations to decide my life .. no point living.

I do however will give my constituency all parties a try... hear them out. But I do hope the few opposition gets it... those truly deserve to have a voice BUT not because you are upset with the system and wants to vote otherwise.  If those I see on TV fighting amongst themselves, betraying each other or bringing nonsensical issues to fight for or basically can see they are just stirring shit.. (which by the way alot of them) win and then I "Will faint will faint.."

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Lying toddlers

Pengs... Like that also can

Read the article:-
Lying toddlers do better in life
Lying indicates early intelligence: experts
Monday, May 17, 2010

Toddlers who tell lies early on are more likely to do well later, researchers claim.
The complex brain processes involved in formulating a lie are an indicator of a child’s early intelligence, they add.
A Canadian study of 1,200 children aged two to 17 suggests those who are able to lie have reached an important developmental stage.
Only a fifth of two-year-olds tested in the study were able to lie.
But at age four, 90% were capable of lying, the study found. The rate increases with age to a peak at age 12.
‘Developmental milestone’
The director of the Institute of Child Study at Toronto University, Dr Kang Lee, said: “Parents should not be alarmed if their child tells a fib.
“Their children are not going to turn out to be pathological liars. Almost all children lie.
“It is a sign that they have reached a new developmental milestone.
“Those who have better cognitive development lie because they can cover up their tracks.”
This was because they had developed the ability to carry out a complex juggling act which involves keeping the truth at the back of their brains.
He added: “They even make bankers in later life.”
Dr Kang tested the children’s honesty by telling them not to peek at a toy placed behind their backs while leaving the room.
He then monitored their reactions by video and returned to ask if they had turned around, checking their responses against the recording.
Source – BBC

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

My dancing queen

I really think V has a great sense of rhythm. It has become more apparent now she is bigger, prenatal music education does help much hahaha .

YouTube Video

Friday, April 22, 2011

Holy week

Was the holy week and we were busy going church... On good friday was just me and V as DD T had to go back office to finish up a quotation as he is flying off on monday. V was well behaved in church and she seem to have gotten the hang of attending mass without the need of much "toys". We didn't get much done as it's holy week and I never had the habit of going out clubbing or feasting during this time as it's mourning time. Many a times I get invitation to indulge or even go out but I will just say at home. It's the same for the eve of Chinese new year, I never go out . Its strictly just family time... Now that I'm writing it, it seems rather odd hahahah.

V is starting to pray and actually will kneel during mass! Today, she knelt down on her chair, head down, for the whole offertory session. We adults including the aunties around was just observing her and smiling at how a two year old is making such effort in praying. Today I decided it's time to teach her "'The Lord's Prayer". I believe as parents regardless of whatever religion we are brought up or intending to bring the child in, do finds fulfilment when the child has becomes responsive to it by their actions.

Here is her choosing her sunday's best to visit church. She really does make a point to dress well.

Saying her prayer, not taught by us.. But truly something she picked up.

Just a cute photo, aprons from Barcelona from her jie jies when they were there for a holiday...

Happy Easter people!!

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Thursday, April 21, 2011

I love what I do!

Totally Love what I do!!

I never expect that 1 year after I got to know Mary kay, my life would have changed! I have been flying more now.. In May I'm going Kl again, June to Hangzhou and most probably Taiwan too! (yes, Hangzhou is fully paid for and Taipei's accommodation, food paid for!!!!) I am so so excited and never realized a new and fun career can bring me this far and have so much fun in between. Once you go through the toughest decision making and sort out your thoughts, everything else falls in place.

Like this week, I went out doing my stuffs for 3 days (usually 12-5pm) and have the rest of the 4 days off spending time with God as its the holy week, Easter and all. Of course, family comes 1st in my career which is why I only do my work in the afternoon after I pick V up from school and leaves when she naps. Morning are usually making calls and using my laptop. Love this routine, I can remember how aimless my afternoons were, its always High Tea and shopping with V. Now if I wan to bring her, she will tell me she wants to sleep! Nap is 2-5pm everyday... without fail. so I always make sure my night appointments are only max 2 times a week, so we get to spend time together.

Will post on my conference in Kl soon, came back and my father in law picked me from airport at 11pm, (the hb was watching his football *roll eyes) told him about my progression in my career and that I was going Hangzhou. He was like okie lets do a trip there too, need to visit his suppliers there.. hahaha I told him I'm travelling with 38 other Beauty Consultants from MK Singapore/Malaysia. Then he was like "oh complicated, too many women.. rofl" But he too was like why China? I was telling him in MK they give challenges and as a Beauty Consultant they give shorter trips and as a Sales Director you get to go Dallas . So he was like "oh so must work harder la?" like obviously right? my FIL say "Good thats the spirt, have goals, fulfill them and be successful... never settle for 2nd best!"

With that statement, I must win the $10,000 diamond ring and the $20,000 diamond bumble bee brooch this year. I'm on track for 2 courts now.... after that I wan to bring the whole family for a short trip, I will pay. In Mk all successful sales director makes a point to bring the whole family out each year and I will follow suit. Let's try Genting this year, something V can enjoy, short trip, all 6-8 of us. Fully paid for my me!

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Monday, April 18, 2011

Sunday, April 17, 2011


I just returned from KL last night late.. We did the church this morning which was Palm Sunday; explained to V on how people took the palms to beat Papa Jesus last time and he is very sad today... U should have seen her eyes, she was so sad when I told her that and this is why she must love Papa Jesus alot, she nodded.

Went for lunch, napped and went for a swim. Meet a nice young couple from Leeds who just moved in here since last October. Their little boy Issac was about 2 years old and V played well with him. So 4 of us + pops sat in the baby pool to chit chat while they played. Was a great conversation and the best part the mummy was popping tommorow hahaha. We arrange to drop by their place once she has settled in with their new baby.

Here is her with her craze, Hello Kitty everything. Thanks Gf Celine for getting this swimwear, she loves it!!

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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Little grumps

Received a nice whatsapp from her school which made my day !

"Hi mummy, little artist is here to wish you a good day ahead "

"If you are wondering why am I pouting, that's because I was reminded by teacher that these cornflakes looking pieces are not meant for me to eat :) "

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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Mcdees party

We finally got to attend a mcDs party!! Like so excited, but the night before I had too much bubbles and was feeling sleepy by the time it was time for the party hahaha. Party started at 3pm but there was alot of waiting around as the room wasn't set before the party started. I saw the staff getting ready by placing the table mats, struggling to get our orders and the kiddo's. Sort of quite the disorganized; considering McD's party have been around for the longest time! I guess they got into the complacency mode...

We started the party, played musical chair and spoon pingpong balls games. Was fun just that they gave us too small a room for the kiddos are so young, we parents had to be involved too. Cake soon came after, then food.

The birthday boy was V's JG classmate in playnest..So naturally there was a few classmates who came too, we as mummies had a great time chatting about their journeys and that almost all have stopped playclub for the kids are getting bored with it. We touched on kindys and how 4 mummies are already mother of 2, that they have placed their 2nd born on waiting list in the top ten kindys... Regreting not being able to get their 1st born into their choice.

After food was giving out of goodie bags... Sort of was disappointed, Some how had an impression that Ronald, Grimace etc will appear. Oh well , I guess they change their concept. But the parents of the birthday boy still had organized a great cake and goodie bag :) DD T and I will still want a McD's party for V, but maybe when we can drop off her and her friends while we parents chat outside.

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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Her 1st challenge

"Hi florinda, just to inform you that, during departure while teacher went up to bring Victoria down, a friend whom Victoria is playing with attempted to bite her over a little dispute they had over a common toy. Teacher managed to pull Victoria away in time before the bite but there's still a little redness on her right hand (near wrist). Cold compress applied, no obvious teeth mark observed, but slight redness present from the cold compress. Informed your helper as well."

It happened last week, we came back from work and she totally forgot about it. We all were in tandem agreement that V finally found her match and were joking about it. Spoke to 2 mummies about her getting bitten and one was all frowning that things like these should not happen hahaha n the other mummy who agreed that the child must have instigated some frustration to get such response, like us as adults it usually penned up anger. I however am okie with such incident; not that V is a biter or what. But I know this is different stages of a development In a child.. Some pull hair, some push... If they miss this stage they may grow up an adult with penned up frustrations! Hahaha

Then Aunty Nita decides that she had been a good girl.. I love the fact that there are people in the family that gives her treats coz I do not indulge in this aspect.

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Cool stuffs

This thing is way cool! V loves it so much that she asked DD T to
buy it for her!! Only in airport ... Please, shopping malls invest in this!!!!

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

26 months

So the tantrums have started to kick in... Just today she refused school (her 2nd) somehow I think it's me, I can't send her to school..or rather it's the child and the mother.

Yesterday night, she woke up in the middle of the night to snuggle with me and chat with me. I told her to go back to sleep as daddy will be upset if he knows she is awake. Soon after dd t came in and she started wailing "don't want daddy!" I asked her u scared of daddy? She replied yes ..

U scared of mummy ? No
U scared mummy scold? No
U scared mummy beat? No

Held on to me tightly and refused the father. It's on days like this I fiqured my attactment parenting is worth the effort, but when the meltdown comes .., it's omg! Like all 2 yr olds, she has restorted to sitting down on the floor to wail for the lamest reason. Although drama but it passes really fast with my technique... I have to keep apologizing to her "did mummy do anything to hurt u? I'm sorry I did that" I guess that's reverse parenting. The father however loses his top on her terrible actions like the uncontrollable crying and throwing of food around on the dinner table. I keep the cool around the house and never (except one or 2 times that I lost it.. Which made V worse hahahha) lost the temper or control of my emotions.

Yes I agree she "abuses" my kindness as my weakness at times and everyone around tells me that I must discipline. She drains me very often as it takes alot of me to get my word across. That's my parenting style and it's rare I know for the mother to behave this way ;)

Just in 5 mins ago from school...I called the school to check on her and the principal told me she was dancing and singing infront of her. Meltdown infront of mummy = happiness in school.

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Monday, April 4, 2011

My new inspiration

Today I grabbed my Asia Pacific marketing manager who flew in,  to have a chit chat, I needed ideas how how better to do my business since I have spent the last 6 months learning the tricks of the trade. She bombarded me with lots of ideas which I will go into details later in my career but I do like the idea of blogging down my styles since she says I attract a lot of compliments daily from everyone. So it got me thinking, I get questions everyday about where I bought my bags, my tops, my this and that... what better way to blog it down since blogging has become my forte for 3 years now.

I grew up in a family of pretty stylish people, my mum for one is a one hell of a dresser. She has shoes of every design, suits that are tailor made in all colours and semi precious jewels to match each outfit. So obviously I would eventually inherit her sense of style, with the exception of those mix and match days during school days which went extremely wrong.  Something of course I will never want to talk about! While flying, I was expose to fashion very quickly as shopping of course was my favourite pasttime, enjoying the euro popsy fashion, the serious prim of the british, laid back ozzy styles and many more. I usually am very quick to spot a new trend and will dig it out very fast; wanting to be the first *hopefully to wear it. When the flying ended, the shopping too... I dread the singapore fashion... or rather the merchandiser of my handful favourite brands that came into Singapore. It was oh so boring it sux! Then I sort of tried ordering online and I guess got hooked on to it.

In the past, I loved branded goods... spending monies on expensive loots was pretty normal and I hardly bat my eyelids on spending thousands on bags or few hundreds on clothes. Not so much a fan of the avant garde fashion as it took to much decipher and I really do am into chic clothes. It has to make me look smart , sharp... period. Just today, I was digging my drawer and saw my $xxk watch looking at me and my limited edition watches, realized that my branded days are way over. I didn't even feel the urge to take it out to wear it. Bling bling it is but somehow I guess, the time will be back when I go back to my beloved collection. I have a cuppie of branded bags and have thoughts of selling them as I hardly use them now. I no longer feel excited when someone carries a new collection of bags as its like "oh been that done that" Oh and the shoes... sigh. I threw so many pairs it ain't funny any more. Shoes do not at any time keep long, lets not go into that chapter of my life. I swear I have only "Sex and the City" to blame and that was an addition.

This season I am so into pushing myself to look good in the cheapest loots I can find. So starts this blog of all things exciting on how I dress and styles that I carry, current makeup colours and skills. Come in only if you want to have styles that cost less than $100 to achieve. This blog will include my friends styles too, I will source them out and make them my models, lets try... I love challenges!!

today I wore a pair of shoes that kinda integrated .. what is new right? Popped into Heatwave and found myself a new "so so bling", formal and yet a shoe to spruce up the simplest of outfit. 2 1/2 inches high, $78 a pop

Virus or not?

So last week she complain of sore throat and after 2 visits to the PD, Dr decided to put her on antibiotics, sambucol, cholormine to ensure that there wasn't any inflammation that will prolong her illness. After the 2nd visit, V stopped complaining about her throat.

But just 2 days ago, while in the final stages of still taking the antibiotics... Suddenly had fever like 38.8 while taking her nap! Like panicked I tell u ... We gave get paracetamol to keep the fever in control but was still warm and hovered around 38-ish. She was all whiney and the attention she got was hardcore! Sponging her every few minutes, temperature taking every hour hahaha .. Hahaha my inlaws are very drama ppl, DD T included , I was however at our monthly mummies dinner, nonchantlant of the ongoings. Grandpa Ng was very particular about fever as his friend's child had a failed kidney coz of high fever.

The reason we all got panicky is also because V is on antibiotics and she shouldn't fall sick, right?? So the next day she woke up all right and fever started to rise after lunch and high in the evening. Damn crappy ... We or rather I sucked at dealing with illnesses as V hardly falls sick. We controlled it and on Sunday morning, DD T wanted to go Mt A 's A&E to get her checked but I was against it as they are just GP not PD ... Went to church and waited for her fever but it never came, asked My FB mummies friends and realized it pretty common and we slack a little. Bought neurofen as backup from the pharmacy...

Decided to bring her the Tays as her cousins were all there.. Got scolded by my Sis who saw DD T checking her temperature every so often hahahaha. She was like "aiyo so many times already, just feel la!" well after all she is a mother of 3. The fever never came back...

Oh the best part of everything was , I asked this mummy of 3.. "my gal having fever but she is on antibiotics., y huh?" her answer was "she growing, after every unexplainable fever there comes either is a grown spurt or new something" hmm 2 person told me the same thing.. I wonder wonder wonder...

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