Tuesday, April 5, 2011

26 months

So the tantrums have started to kick in... Just today she refused school (her 2nd) somehow I think it's me, I can't send her to school..or rather it's the child and the mother.

Yesterday night, she woke up in the middle of the night to snuggle with me and chat with me. I told her to go back to sleep as daddy will be upset if he knows she is awake. Soon after dd t came in and she started wailing "don't want daddy!" I asked her u scared of daddy? She replied yes ..

U scared of mummy ? No
U scared mummy scold? No
U scared mummy beat? No

Held on to me tightly and refused the father. It's on days like this I fiqured my attactment parenting is worth the effort, but when the meltdown comes .., it's omg! Like all 2 yr olds, she has restorted to sitting down on the floor to wail for the lamest reason. Although drama but it passes really fast with my technique... I have to keep apologizing to her "did mummy do anything to hurt u? I'm sorry I did that" I guess that's reverse parenting. The father however loses his top on her terrible actions like the uncontrollable crying and throwing of food around on the dinner table. I keep the cool around the house and never (except one or 2 times that I lost it.. Which made V worse hahahha) lost the temper or control of my emotions.

Yes I agree she "abuses" my kindness as my weakness at times and everyone around tells me that I must discipline. She drains me very often as it takes alot of me to get my word across. That's my parenting style and it's rare I know for the mother to behave this way ;)

Just in 5 mins ago from school...I called the school to check on her and the principal told me she was dancing and singing infront of her. Meltdown infront of mummy = happiness in school.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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