Sunday, April 17, 2011


I just returned from KL last night late.. We did the church this morning which was Palm Sunday; explained to V on how people took the palms to beat Papa Jesus last time and he is very sad today... U should have seen her eyes, she was so sad when I told her that and this is why she must love Papa Jesus alot, she nodded.

Went for lunch, napped and went for a swim. Meet a nice young couple from Leeds who just moved in here since last October. Their little boy Issac was about 2 years old and V played well with him. So 4 of us + pops sat in the baby pool to chit chat while they played. Was a great conversation and the best part the mummy was popping tommorow hahaha. We arrange to drop by their place once she has settled in with their new baby.

Here is her with her craze, Hello Kitty everything. Thanks Gf Celine for getting this swimwear, she loves it!!

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