Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Animal Farm

The old friends met up for a farming session at this ulu animal farm (ya the same one la) Its situated in Seletar Farmway 5, doubt they actually have a name to the farm .. hmm not sure. The last time I was here was for V's JG holiday program... didn't take much nice photos but I managed to get some nice ones as DD T came along. 

we were early.. waited for her friends
Old skool restaurant or canteen (whichever) that sells sweet and sour pork!! 
ulu is the word
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The place is seriously nice as they do not charge for entry which is way cool, just 3 packets of foods ( for animals) for $2. Which is definitely not expensive for anybody at all! The children had a great time feeding the animals or rather rabbits most. The wild geese scared them off, there was the cranes which wasn't very friendly. the lone horse was greeted us but there was a sign that states that he bites :( , the peacocks and birds that was behind cages and few odd animals that didn't look too friendly la. kekeke
wild geese, seriously not friendly
The children were the happiest at the rabbit hut, for the rabbits were responsive and tame. Then again this bunch of kiddos always love rabbits, everywhere they go! The other place they enjoyed was the pond, was easy feeding the fish. Just throw only what hahaha

The animal farm has pet grooming services sharing the premises which I think thats how they earn money for I think 3 packets for $2 foods is not getting enough yield to sustain the farm. There is also a boarding house for animals and we saw a pitiful sight of a dog paralyzed, its hind legs were useless and the handler were just a bandage cloth to assist it in walking. What was commendable was that the owners were coming to collect him to bring him back home overseas. People with such great heart keeping the dog :)

we taught them well too! love all animals....
I had a rare shot of them holding hands.. how sweet 
You know as I took this photo, it really amazed me that they have know each other for 2.5 years already. Attended their birthday parties together, went on trips together. Next we as parents are going to attempt a a big feat and that is to fly them together on a longer flight than KL *gulps. Lets try !!

another great shot, after MANY attempts

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