Thursday, January 26, 2012

4th Day of cry

God, help me....

We all stopped work on 20th Jan, so technically we have not been working since 21st..... its 26th today and we are all going mad in this house. Being coped up in this house and lunching, dinnering together for the last 7 days seemed to be getting too much. MIL is driving all of mad, I think we are driving her insane that ALL of us are invading into her daily life, with my FIL around for too long. In this house, we hardly have everyone at home, coz we all take turns to fly or if not have to be working. So this time round this is way to long to be together.

Trev is starting work tomorrow, FIL and me on monday. We are all so itching to go to work!!!!  Just few more hours and Trev& me will go Sentosa to celebrate V's birthday. I took the liberty to book ourselves a room for I cannot stand another day here, surprisingly Trev felt the same way too! FIL is flying off on sat, I'm working on monday, Trev is flying off next week. Then we will all be back into our little bubble of comfort and enjoy personal time away from the here.

Did I mention that the dogs drive us silly sometimes!

Can't wait to throw myself back to work.. remind me next time if I take a long break. Coz its makes me stupid.... I have been sleeping daily from 12am-10am. Nap 2-5pm ... hahhaha damn good life!

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