Thursday, January 26, 2012


Im planning for V's next chartered course. Where its seems pretty vague for now, but we all know the final destination. When she was a lot younger, I would put her in loads of enrichment classes coz I was seriously bored at home. Then came a point the family kinda of told us is it necessary to put ourselves through all this? We spoke about it and realized if we do need to do anything out of school context it will have to be something that she requests. Sometimes there are days when we see her peers doing or saying something she has never spoke about, I would wonder? The What ifs?

But the best part of this family is that we never push each other in whatever we want, I have come to realized that this is a very important part of parenting. Trev never pushes me to do anything, he just supports it. For me, I would tell him my directions and he digests it to achieve our family goals. This is why a family is so great. Its never a independent realization of goals.... I am usually the one with the ideas, whether its a new car, a new place or a child, its always my suggestion. Trev just listens and would tell me his decision on whether its workable at this point in time.

This parenting style will V has worked real well with her, giving her no pressure to allow her to explore many possibilities in what ever she chooses in her next course. Remember I have mentioned that we do not read to her when she was younger coz she seemed not interested? Didn't want to force her to do something although we know its right but not at this moment. That day we went shopping and she saw this tour agency... walked up to the brochures and pointed to tell me "you see there is a castle, cathedral, church" Man, was I amazed! In recent days, she has been going to her library to pick up books with paragraphs.

Its amazing the things she picks up listening to the adults talk, we don't baby talk which is why she speaks in sentences very early in her life. We don't do single words, it always have to be included in a sentence. She watches History channel with her pops, filipino soap drama with Tita, news with nana. Best of all she LOVES thrillers- never really believe till I saw her lying on bed watching suspense movie with the father. Seriously quite crappy I think hahahahha. Too young right? but thats her choice so oh well.

She has been pretty bugging me about her music course, everyday its "Mummy, can I play piano, learn piano etc" I expose her to a wide range of musical instruments, but she still insists on Piano. We watch classical musical on TV (Okto) and she only wants piano. This has been much discussed and she will not learn till she is closer to 4 years old. We tried her on the piano we had at home and her fingers are way too fragile to press it down. Pops don't allow a child piano at home ;( says that a musician should never be allowed a toy but be exposed to the original. *whatever. We believe she is very serious in this choice of instrument despite the many types of instrument in the studio....

This was her 4th song on the electronic piano, those with a preset music. I managed to take a video later as we were all amazed by her rhythm and tempo.  You can check out the way she was " false playing" on the piano, it was not like other children hitting the piano but actually follow the music. The grandfather was very proud coz his grandchild may finally inherit his music talent hahahha.

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