Sunday, January 1, 2012

New year 2012

I started this year with a great bottle of Dom Perignon 1900, a fantastic vintage with a great hint of toffee! What a great keep!!! On days like this it makes me realised how I miss my wines :) . DD T was with me as we spent our New year's at Raffles Town Club with great kakis. A indulgence we hardly have for the last few years...

At the stroke of 12, we kissed and he declared his new goal which was a porsche panamera hahahha.. Which was ridiculous as he just changed his car! So it got me thinking !

I spent 2011 working hard to achieve our goals and so I was like "hey I'm going to declare 2012 to be a year of indulgence!" he looked at me and said like why? I said coz I worked real hard and deserve something indulgence like back to my wine drinking or whatever! So he looked at me and said "you worked hard in 2011, you deserve this indulgence in 2012... For me I didn't work as hard as you so I gotta work harder!"

So this year, I'm going to pamper myself! Weetss !! I love my husband in his supportive ways. But then again... As the clock strikes 12 this year and the Auld Lang song (stupid irritating song which makes me choke!... They should ban this song :( ) my throat choked as I looked back my 2011 and hellya there was so many .... Both bad and good lesson in life ...

This 2012, I'm going to work as hard and yet indulge !!!

Happy new 2012 everyone!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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