Tuesday, January 17, 2012


you see I wrote a long post.. then i pressed something and it disappear. :(

Not sure if I have ranted on the wifi of this house? u know the one Trev spent close to $1k and much of his time and after much drilling still don't work blog post?  or was I delusional and wrote that in my thoughts? hmmm... I have loads of things on my mind on most days, but it doesnt get written down here as its a chore to write in my iphone and absolutely irritating to write on the stairs (with laptop). Why? coz I have to be near the child and if I go downstairs, I usually forget to sleep. sigh...

this freaking useless wifi is driving me mad, how can it happen in 2012??? if you dont understand me correctly. I explain again. We pay for wifi every month but I use 3G on my iphone, ipad, and some times on my laptop. Why again? coz the stoopid wifi and router doesn't work well on our floor.  Crap right? tell singtel....

can't wait that new thing they call fiber or something......

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