Wednesday, March 28, 2012


While we were at the expo that last round, daddy stumbled on a booth offering a free eye check. I thought V would be too young to be able to check (me thinking it's reading the chart type), but it was a machine checking on the thickness of the cornea or retina. It's was a simple procedure, just needed her to look into the machine n it will do it's readings.

Her results were not up to par, apparently most children now having such readings :( okie let me explain.... As the kids are still young, so they do not have a perfect eyesight as the eyes are still adjusting. So a average reading for a 3 year old is +1.00, but V has +0.25 on one and the other +0.50. Not that we knew what it meant until they explained. V has a probability of wearing glasses (guess thanks to my genes :p) and it seems it quite normal with the children on iPad & iPhone & tv. So like all parents, we have banned iPad n iPhone unless necessary. Well its a NO ipad on my watch... Daddy however does allow a short period of time as it takes time to remove it from her life. But no longer allow her to browse through her YouTube. Guess as parents we really need reminders that technology may not be meant for everyone.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Rachel said...

Oh thanks for sharing this on your blog. I am quite worried about my son's eyesight as well, should really bring him for checks as well. I think this will be a good indication for parents to remind them that they really cannot let their kid spend too much time on the iPhone.

Unknown said...

tks rachel for dropping by.... i finally got my laptop back to answer ur post. ya i think u should bring him, just to see whether he is on borderline or not. wearing specs suxs

Unknown said...
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