Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Followers ?!

You go around searching for people to follow you, may it be on a social platform like Twitter, Facebook, even blogging right? Or you stir your friends to buy the same products coz it damn awesome, go the same stylist, even doctor *the extreme. So I have this syndrome too, In fact I think alot of people do. Then came that day, I realised there is no need to search for it. I have one near me.

Presenting my daughter who got inspired by my gelish to create her own. This has nothing to do with me it's purely her creation and I think f***ing fantastic!!!!


weiz said...

That's cute! My daughter likes to do that too - stickers, highlighter pens, cutting out photos of make-up in magazines and pretending to put them on. Girls are girls are girls after all, eh? ~ Cindy

Unknown said...

hahahha.. thats the best part of being a mother of a girl. The wonderful things they do ;D