She was trained much earlier to go diaperless until she caught a rash from peeing at Ion children's toilet and it was panic station. We reverted her back to diapers for our trips outside and it took us a while to solve the rash issue. I guess girls are more prone to this.... just have to mindful this round.
We decided to go full force, getting an attached child toilet seat as I do find the single child seat to be slightly unstable when it comes to wanting to poo.. she kinda of panics when it moves slightly lol... doesn't help that she has her legs hanging.. so there is a slight insecurity. We searched around and found this hardware shop that was selling at $20. Definitely a good buy :)
After thinking real hard about how to go about it, I decided to dangle a carrot. Nope its not stickers or gifts to complete this challenge, she gets to go for her ballet once she completely goes diaperless (night sleep included) She has been bugging me for her ballet (zzzzz)and violin - we have all all the instruments in this house and she insists on one we DON"T! anyway thats another post altogether.
Yes I decided to stir her self determination, I have been noticing the children around and are amazed at how spoon fed they have become. Enrichments after enrichments, its like given to them becoz they want it (or rather the parents ) That's not the way I wan V to grow up, I want her to have that urge to work towards a goal, a dream. Its important to me as a trainer, one of the toughest thing I find coaching is that Singaporeans no longer have dreams, goals and desires. I work hard with my consultants to make them find it. So its important that V doesn't fall into this comfort zone. I need her to learn that having determination, concentrating on a goal, you will in turn achieve a dream :D
This is a right time for her to start on making decisions as she is very understanding of her surroundings. So we are going to make sure that every single course that she is keen on doing, she has to work towards it. Its absolutely interesting as after I had this conversation with her, she tells everyone to keep the diaper away from her and is determined to go diaperless. Now this is what I want to see in my girl, doing somethings BECAUSE she wants to. She woke up today and asked me "Am I ready for ballet yet?" and my answer is "You are almost there, you can do it"
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