Wednesday, May 9, 2012

how i started

I stumbled on this blog... then it reminded me how I started out my business venture. Thought I spend some time on it, well women need to share their success and let that one other person be inspire.... Not now but eventually I guess. There are many mummies or women out there who never was able to move out of their rut.

So it started 2 years ago, after not working for about 2 years, pregnant and a full time breast feeding mother with no help (besides the not awaken husband then.. yes we went through the stage he took me for granted days)  I was hungry, hungry for a thirst to want to do something, you know how you go into forums, chatting with mothers day in and out, SAHM always had something to do, extra something to keep them sane. I don't envy the FTWM, even up till now... I just find that the time spend working a fixed time can be maximized alot better. The SAHM will always be selling something, very entrepreneurish.... doesn't help that I will be their customer, may it be buying bedsheets, milkbags, the whatever stuffs. I saw an opportunity that a full time mother still gets things done. I have gone to MRT to pick up products and see them with their children in tow, while me ermm.. put them at my mum's while I run silly errands like this. Then I realized I have alot more to learn...

I crave to go and study, to satisfy the thirst of wanting to learn. Its just me... when I was flying, I was constantly studying... there will always be that something I want to learn - going crazy with independence at 18 years old *aka as excessive clubbing with too much money, got mature then it was driving, diploma-degree, then it was wine sommelier diploma, oh then I had to get married which took up much time. I stopped work to be a mother, there was LOADS to read, that kept me occupied for a long time. Then I picked up photography, by that time I got bored. I called my old school and requested to study a MBA, they were willing to sponsor 1/2 of the course fee. So that was in the pipeline... all because I was bored :D

The husband was pretty against it, he was like seriously? Study again? Better off using that money to do a biz or something. Like what can you get from a MBA, so I chucked that aside. Searched the net for businesses to do, *sigh everything needed a capital which was pretty crappy. Then came the inevitable, should I work?

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