Friday, August 10, 2012

helpers ...

there was a "big" drama last week regarding the help that we have at home...

Yea we took another help, she came when I was in Dallas... although me n trev was her "boss", we never much care for a employee and employer relationship. It was somewhere 2 months ago, I convinced my father in law that we need an additional help. Yes, he is that anal about another one more woman in the house. But you see he doesn't see the workload that is necessary to maintain a household, he comes back when all work is done. Our helper has been with us for 13 whopping years! So you can imagine the clockwork this household goes through everyday, and her ailing body that has been punished by the stairs in this house. She came to me one day, telling me of her hope of going home as she misses her father and her ailment of her aching knee. I listened to her story and made a call to the husband, fixed an appointment with my father in law that very day.

I drove down to the office, sat down and spoke to him about the need of having that 2nd help. That empathy must be given to a employee of 13 years and her wish of going home. It was a simple 10 min convo and I left his table... his decision was to send her back immediately and not even wanting the 6 month unpaid leave she requested. I insist on maximizing her permit and giving her the 6 months unpaid leave, reminding him that help of such is a rarity.  Went into the warehouse and spoke to Trev and state my case. In the end it was their turn to have a discussion.

I came back and waited for a decision, family called for a meeting (without the mother in law), spoke and came to conclusion. Her desire to go home and rest at least 6 months there, we requested her to stay until as long as her permit allows, train the 2nd help before she leaves. I was very firm on this as I am due in september and do not wish for major cock up when I go out for my appointments. So all was agreed, info passed on to the MIL and she shot to the sky about such preposterous decision of 6 months unpaid leave, insisted on 3 months. Me - cannot be bothered with a change of decision,  FIL - whatever, Trev- just to keep the Mum shut.

The hunt of the helper went on, without my help. 1st- I am a noob when it come to this. Trev went through 4-5 helpers before he was able to get this one that came - a transfer. During that time, man, he was so afraid of updating me on the situation to this for me to take this long is incompetent.

So she came finally.... then one day she told my MIL that she wanted a transfer!!! bitch. I checked with Nita on what happened and realized she was reprimanded that morning by her coz the work was not up to par. So it came a seniority and juniority thing - and I though it only happen in SQ *rolls eyes. Made a call to the husband and we came to a decision quickly. We were keen to send her back, but the agency called back to explain on the situation. The new one -Jean is just purely stress on the workload that is to come when Nita leaves. She didn't complain about us ill treating her but how we dote her like a daughter etc. Which ever it is, we requested for a new helper that will arrive in 6 weeks.

The whole family was pissed with the saga, spoke about it but it boils down to our decision for she is ours. In the end, I decided to call for a meeting the next day with the 2 help.... got them to explain to me what exactly happened and behave like adults women; not young girls with PMS. Made my stand about them having a roster for this month to ensure work is evenly distributed... Trev gave his lecture and I was very simple; I insisted on a system. If this system doesn't work, its bye bye time for then its laziness. For I think if they can use hp, watch tv, chill out and sleep early in this household and still complain=purely attitude problem.

We are watching her....

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