Monday, June 24, 2013

Petit Bowl Sampling

Here is us on youtube!

Rant post

I think its been a while since I do a rant post. But, I'm just going to do one just to feel better.

We have been staying as an extended family for slightly 1.5 years. It hasn't been smooth sailing always but the benefits always outweigh the negatives. But yesterday it made me all wondering if this can last how much longer. Its a silly little thing but hey I'm staying with women and they are silly in their own right. The most patient person that exist in this house has to be the daughter-in -law - ME. Mainly because a family is usually made of their little quirks and an outsider do not understand it much. Really....

The family has 2 helpers, one for mine and the other for my in laws. Most of you must be wondering why the necessity for 2, but if the dowager needs, she gets. Trev and I do not bother much about the household, mainly because you do not interfere with the system that is not yours. We pay and spend most of the time outside working or hanging abouts in the room. But the odd things is that when the helpers don't do their job, its our problem. The thing about me is that I hate macro managing, its just not my style. I do not like when I have to deal with how the plates are washed or the how the bedsheets are dried. To me its a task and you just have to do it, how you do it, is not my problem. The only thing i check regularly are things on my children - the foods, their clothes and how they are bathe.

I am a simple person if dinner doesn't appeal to me, I drive out to eat. If I need space, I get out of the house. If I am busy.. u don't see me from morning till night, I will appear just to breastfeed BB Kate and zoom out again. Yes its so so so simple. But this morning I have to deal with macro managing 2 people and hear my hb rants on them. Both of us are lost on what we can do and I have a good mind to send one away just to let the family feel that life has been TOO good for them and yet find the time to grumble/nitpick on the them. Yes, I do understand complacency sets in but its the person who sees it to set the pace. Do not accumulate and dump it on us to clear up. Its the worse type of leadership! To me its pure bullying..

Yes, as you can tell, I am irritated. This school holiday needs to end so... I am in the house too long!!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Baltic Amber Teething Necklaces

V was one hell of a trouble maker when it came to teething... it was practically war daily. It didn't help that she was already latching to me, teething made her stuck to me. I can remember how she would crawl to me, tap on my chest, suck like 4- 5 times just to soothe her gums and crawl away. The nights were a torture, I don't remember a moment my shirt was down. We relied on teething gel very often, it didn't matter if it was a small teeth or a molar, V was a drama queen when it comes to pain. Trev bought every single teething gel n the market, it was kept in all corners of the house, each diaper bag has 1, my handbag and Trev's haversack.

During V's school orientation, we saw her classmate with many necklaces around her neck. Me and Trev was like "wow this mummy quite funky huh?" Slowly I got to know her mummy and noticed that her 2 other sons had the same necklace, she has hers on her wrist. Being the curious me, I asked her what was this trend? She laughed, told me they were Amber necklaces and it originated from Europe. As we were rushing off, she gave me her website and asked me to go read up.

While doing my research, I recalled seeing these amber necklaces being hung on the showcase in various pharmacy especially in Germany and France. Then it sort of affirmed me on these necklaces and if its a household product in Europe, why not give it a try? I saw mummy again and asked her on her testimonial and she swears by it. During this time, BB Kate was doing her sudden screams which is a sign of teething.  I was like what harm can a $25 necklace do to Kate right? Ordered and she has been wearing since she was 4 months old.

 “Succinic acid is a natural pain reliever, anti-inflammatory, and a central nervous system calmer. It is so effective on babies and small children because it simultaneously eases their pain while also having a strong soothing effect on their nervous system – all with zero side effects!”

You must be thinking why I chose to write this? Just because its rocking!!!!

The 1st one month: We sort of didn't see much difference, mainly because we don't know what to expect. But we do realise she sleeps pretty well. I always tell my friends that God is fair to send me Kate after Victoria. In between, my MIL and the helper keeps removing it. They think its pretty ugly, until I explained to them what it is suppose to do! Had to brag that it a European thing coz they though was some buddhist praying beads. *opps

The 2nd month: She stopped doing her sudden screaming and we started seeing a difference. Trev was the 1st to notice it. Guess he was more sensitive since he suffered the most when V was teething. I was drained by the latching and he was the one who had to calm her down then. For BB Kate, we didn't even go through serious comforting.

The 3rd month: The lower 2 teeth popped with some complains and teething gel. But sleeping was very much calm. The top 2 was a lot more drama with the gums being red and inflamed, but could be eased with teething gel and by sleeping slightly upright.

Now: The top 2 has almost descended and she has started biting everyone because of itchy gums. 0.O  it seems that this trait runs in the family :( V had bitten almost all her friends. Last week has been quite a nightmare for she got restless at night and I ran my fingers around her gums and found few new ones appearing. But we both agree that this necklace has helped BB Kate a lot!!!

Source by FantasticFind by PuppyMoo

What is Baltic amber teething necklace?
A Baltic amber teething necklace is made for wearing (not chewing) when a baby is teething.
Dimensions of amber teething necklace are:
  • Weight: 5.5grams-8.00grams in weight
  • Length: 11.5-12.5 inches long or (31centimeters-33centimeters long)
  • Material: natural 100% authentic Baltic amber is used
Amber teething necklace facts:
  • A natural analgesic, amber will help calm a baby without resorting to drugs.
  • Amber is a fossilized resin, not a stone. It is therefore warm to the touch, as well as very comfortable and light to wear.
  • Wearing Baltic amber necklaces on the skin can have a soothing and calming effect on teething babies and toddlers.
  • Amber's anti-inflammatory and therapeutic properties are also recognized by allopathic medicine. In Austria, Switzerland and Germany, you will find amber teething necklaces sold in local pharmacies.
Are amber teething necklaces safe? 
Parents must remember that these necklaces are for wearing when a baby is teething, not for chewing on. Parental supervision is required when babies and toddlers are wearing the amber necklaces. As a safety feature there is a knot before and after each bead, so that even in the extremely unlikely event of the string being torn, no beads are lost and there is no risk of choking. Amber teething necklaces are secured with a traditional screw clasp, not a hook and ring. 

You can find Kate and Victoria's amber necklace at Fantastic Find by Puppy Poo. I managed to get a code for the 1st 10 readers who are keen on getting this!

15% discount off the whole order for the first 10 customers who use the coupon code "flomummy

Disclaimer: I bought the children's necklace and wrote this post just because it had helped us and kate's teething process. No monetary compensation was given. I initiated this post!

Monday, June 17, 2013

*Style - Necklaces

I'm a sucker for necklaces... just doing some research and found this. I thought i should share with all of you.

Princess and the Rock

Sunday, June 16, 2013

So lazy

I have been doing nothing for 3 days.. shut down brains, shut down body. Its super boring I feel like screaming but I promise myself to rest so ya la gotta fulfil it.

Trev is overseas, V is at my sis' and have been staying over for the last 3 nights. I have so much peace and nothing to do. So I watched movies after movies last 2 nights and spent my nights masking my face n looking after my body. I didn't even touch my laptop and am blogging from the phone.  I had plans, wanted to do this and that and eventually im lying on my couch doing jack shit :) my ipad ran out of batteries and I don't even bother wanting to get it charged.  Did u ever have these lazy bout?

My FIL is also just as bored and has been entertaining me today. We got V booked for yamaha music appreciation next week. He decided on yamaha, well even though I told him that her peers are already on instruments. His words "The child is not here to do music to make their parents proud because he can play. But he does it because he wants to play" Okie, he win la.

He said trev used to study music but in the end hated it. Couldn't wait for the day to drop it. My sil didn't even start. They were in his words - not interested.  Then it brought me thinking of my cousin who excel in his studies since he was in pri 1, sec, jc, nus -took engineering (coz his dad told so) Although his passion was teaching, his subjects that he excelled in allowed him to go into engineering (his dad's profession) Now that he is in his final year, he tells me he want to be a tuition teacher. . @.@ !!?? Which means additional years...  He was a good example of parents NOT LISTENING.

V hasn't started on anything just because she rejects all our suggestions. So since pops wants to bring her when we r not free.. then y not right?

Okie baby latching time n I will go for a swim with baby kate.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Bam Bam surgery

We discovered her lump on her chest few months back, googled and it seemed like fat lump. Mainly because it was soft and is a common thing amongst fatter dog. She is slightly over at 8.5kg.. opps. But just about last month, my mum thinks that the lump was growing and insisted that we get it checked.
At the vet, Dr felt that the lump was slightly attached to the muscles. Initial diagnosis was that it may or may not be cancerous. Looking at history, she had her ligation when she was a puppy and so her female hormones are low. This however does not prevent her from getting lumps - cancerous or not. She suggested on removing for a piece for mind. She however left the decision to me, but shared that as dog ages, the skin thins and she has cases that the lump ruptures.  She too did not guaranteed that with removal of lump that it will not happened again. Dogs has 8 boobies and it may happen again.
I walked out pretty bend on the operation, for I went through a breast lump operation before. I understand the meaning of "removing for a peace of mind". Called trev n he was keen on the operation. Before I left, insisted on consulting another senior vet. He has seen Bam Bam from puppy days, he too recommended that we remove it. For he feels that we should treat each lump as a potential cancer lump.  So I booked her operation, full blood test, teeth scaling.
On the day of Op Trev & I took the time off to accompany her -Just being suportive parents. We were there at 930, by the time the tests were completed, it was 1045. Left to visit a friend who had dengue and went back office to do some work. At 4pm, I called and she hasn't gone into operation!! @.@  Poor child must be suffering.
Anyway at 7pm, she was up and about. Thank god! Had a review and the lump was all fats!! Phew.. total peace of mind. $500 well spent! We thought it will come up to 1k or something. 2 weeks later we will have to go back yo remove the stiches and have her review.
So for now, since im blogging from my hp , here are some unedited photos from my hp.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

TrichoKare Session 2

I have been looking though the websites on the different herbs used in TrichoKare. Their botanical ingredients are their selling point, they emphasized a lot on herbalism- which is one of the oldest method of healing. Their treatments and products contain premium European herbs, which are formulated by herbalist and certified by a Trichologist. They contain bio- extracts that nourish the hair follicles and scalp. 

Have you read my post on how clean my scalp was? How light I felt after my treatment? I basically told all my girlfriends to go and try it out, coz I believe every one should enjoy the grease removing, deep cleansing treatment! You can read my personal experience here: TrichoKare

Burdock - Promotes healthy hair, relieves scalp irritation and improves scalp conditions.

Chicory - Aids in hair growth, effective in relieving skin allergies and inflammation.

Elderflower - Helps soothe problem hair and scalp with unparalleled care.
Jojoba - Delays ageing of hair with antioxidant properties.
Lavender - Soothe and calm the scalp.
Leopard's Bane - Stimulates the immune system, relieves pain and inflammation, and clears fungal and bacterial infections.
Nettle - Regulates heavy sebum production that may clog the hair follicles.
Rosemary - Improves circulation to the scalp, effective in cleaning hair follicles and promoting hair growth
Sage - Used in hair loss prevention and dandruff treatment, moisturises and darkens hair.

White Willow - Good for dandruff and dry itchy scalp, a highly effective anti-inflammatory for oily and acne-prone scalp.

T.K Trichokare uses a broad array of European herbs and botanicals to deliver a natural solution that achieves results – their herbal treatments not only smell great, but are also healthy. I personally love it because it has made my hair so healthy and doesn't have the Traditional Chinese herbal smell, which is really adverse. Not so sure about you, but I love to have a whiff of a nice, pleasant smelling hair when the wind blows. NOT FROM ME, from the other person... you know how we walk past a stranger and how you turn to look at her just because she has nice smelling hair? Me is a sucker :D

I did my last session and they did a energy serum for me. Its like a cold wrap that is just just just so nice. I was like thinking, I can get used to this!! 

The massage the serum into the scalp and it helps with hair growth
A usual, I had a nice hair blow 
Its been about 1.5 months since I attended my 3 sessions. I decided not to write too much but let 1 photos explain it all. Its amazing how the hair has started to grow healthily. After birth hair loss is a depressing thing and most mummies end up with balding areas. For me, I did the drastic and thats to cut the hair short to minimise the loss. But I must say I am ready to grow the hair out!

Taken on 22 May 2321pm
I have a widow's peak that went bald for a while..and look! its growing!!! 
Looking after your scalp is really really important!

You can find Tk Trichokare at 

Novena Square #03-19 | The Clementi Mall #05-11 | Wheelock Place #05-09A

They are offering a great promo for us!!! Click on the link to state your interest and they will contact you for an appointment!

Contact 63388680

Promotion: Scalp Detoxification Treatment @ $59.99
Complimentary: Scalp Restorer Therapy, hair bath, conditioner, hair loss defence ampoule, $20 Products voucher Total worth up to $477

You can read of my other experiences here and here

Monday, June 10, 2013

Capella S230T

*Product Review

Established since 1987, Capella is an established and reliable brand from Korea. They are a leadimg manufacture for strollers and introduces their sophisticated 2013 collection with enhanced functions for your baby's ultimate comfort, stability and safety. With its modern design and functional features, it is great for city living and is always ready whenever and wherever you want o go with your baby 

Safety Standards
Capella complies to various international safety standards which you can have peace of mind such as:
  • EN 1888:2003 Standard for EU 
  • ASTM F833-09 Standard for USA        
  • CCC Standard for China    
  • SG Standard for Japan     
  • KS Standard for Korea     
  • AS/NZS 2088:2000 Standard for Australia & New Zealand  
  • 2001 Korea Industrial Design Award  (by Korea Association of Industrial Designers)
  • 2001 Good Design Award (by Korea Institute of Design promotion)
  • 2004 Best Kids Award  (by Hankook Ilbo – Newspaper)
  • 2005 to 2007 Wellbix Award  (by Korean Standard Association consulting)
  • 2006 Hit product Award (by Money Today newspaper)
  • 2007 Best Product Award (by Hankook Ilbo – newpaper)

"The lifestyle trend is now leading towards mid-weight range of strollers (5kg-9kg) for added stability, safety, comfort and making a bold statement with a mid-weight stroller. "

Capella S230T 2013 collection includes a vibrant range of colours and a series of trendy and stylish colours for its premium, up market collection. The print motifs for this collection consists of Easy &Vivid, Sophisticated and Elegant and Premium & Noble. The colours that are available for sale in Singapore are RED, BLUE, ORANGE & WINE (photo in my product review).

Capella S230T

  • Smart Travel System - there is an integrated adapter to conveniently attach the Capella Classic Infant car set *oh its matching!!
  • Wider wheels - bigger, stronger wheels with durable tires and effective suspension system with 0.3G shock absorber!

  • Multi Recline - suitable from birth to 48 months
  • 5 point harness - for maximum safety
  • Enhanced Fabrication and Supportive Cushioning
  • Big big basket! needless to say ya?
  • Longer length- adjustable length for babies who prefer more length on their seats
  •  Rear mesh window to give baby an added sense of security
  • Reversible handle for those days that we have the space to walk hand in hand
  • 99% UV Protection / Full Canopy
  • Adjustable handle to suit different heights, it is also padded for added comfort. They added a mesh cover for the handles that will make parents with sweaty hands really happy!
  • Wider width- stoller gets to grow with your baby!

  • One Hand quick fold for easy opening and closing!! 
  • Self reliance - it stands on its own!
Verdict from the family: 

FloMummy: Its definitely an easy ride, the one hand opening and closing is amazing. Being a user of the european makes, this is a wonderful change on the convenience of a light weight stroller. I do have issues with the 5 point harness click system coz my pretty gelish nails doesn't get to go into the circular indentation. I had to use my pointer' knuckles instead just to press and ensure the harness gets released. But I guess its a matter of getting used to. 

Trevor Daddy: He loves how it fits into the boot because its wide and flat. The weight is a plus point now that we have 2 to bring out - Lesser load.  He does however got slightly frustrated because the shoulder harness keeps slipping off the clip lock. Again, its a matter of getting used to. 

Victoria: "Its just so pretty and big and gorgeous. Baby Kate looks so awesome inside it."  *she doesn't have any issue with anything that is all new and good looking.  

Where to Buy
Facebook : Capella Strollers

Capella will be available at Isetan, Metro, John Little, robinsons, BHG, OG, Kiddy Palace, Cheri Kids, NTUC Xtra AMK, Toys R'US 

Launch Price: $399 (usual of $539)

Disclaimer: TaiMe Pte Ltd  has kindly sponsored a Capella S230T for our family. No monetary compensation was given. All opinions are on my own. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Lenovo - New launches 2013

FloMummy was invited to the launch of Lenovo's new range and am excited to pass the info to you all. Victoria attended the launch with me but the photos of her playing with the products didn't come out well due to the lighting.  We got 2 photos from the PR company that showcase how awesome the Horizon is! Here is Victoria and Xander (Mother Of Xander) playing air hockey!!

We will be glad to showcase the products when it arrives to us for review. But for now, please do take a look at the new launches, photos, specifications and prices.

'This range of Lenovo are all touch-enabled devices that will create and define a new computing experience for the users. "

IdeaCentre Horizon Creates an Interpersonal Computing Experience
The IdeaCentre Horizon is designed to create a new way of thinking about computing - one that makes the experience shared, collaborative and personal. With a supersized 27-inch screen, dynamic graphics and 10-finger touch, the Horizon allows up to four people to use it simultaneously for both work and play.

When placed parallel to the ground, users can activate the Horizon’s Aura interface and begin interacting with people and content ranging from photos and videos to apps and games. The Horizon comes preloaded with a library of games created by Lenovo. Complementing these games is a special set of on- the-glass accessories including an e-dice and four joysticks and four strikers.

The Horizon also doubles up as a high performance, all-in-one 27-inch desktop. With up to Intel® Core i7TM processors, NVIDIA GeForce graphics and Dolby Home Theatre® v4 audio, Horizon displays content beautifully and supports fast and smooth multimedia playback. All these features make it the ultimate home entertainment center, and a great device for collaborative work in the office.

Key Specifications
* 3rd gen Intel Core i7-3537U processor
* Windows 8
*27"backlit Full HD (1920x1080) multi touch display, 16:9 widescreen
* Nvdia Geforce GT 620M 1GB/2 GB graphics with DirectX 11

The IdeaCentre Horizon will be available at Lenovo Exclusive Stores and all Courts outlets starting from the PC Show onwards with prices from SGD$2,899.

IdeaPad Yoga 11s – Small Yet Powerful Ultrabook
Hot on the heels of the first two Yoga-branded convertibles launched last year is the new IdeaPad Yoga 11s, which comes equipped with a new low power lineup from Intel with up to 3rd generation Intel® CoreTM i5 processors and Windows 8 to give users the full power of multitasking and using Office applications, all in a svelte, 0.68-inch thin frame. Similar to its predecessors, users can utilize the Yoga 11s in four modes – laptop, tablet, stand and tent – for both work and play.

The IdeaPad Yoga 11s features an 11.6-inch HD IPS display that supports 10 finger multi-touch and Motion Control which allows users to swipe their hand in front of the webcam to advance photos, videos and other documents. It also comes with Lenovo Transition, where users can automatically open applications like PowerPoint in full-screen even when using Yoga 11s in tent, stand or tablet mode.
The IdeaPad Yoga 11s also has the same attractive rubber painting and a soft-touch exterior as the IdeaPad Yoga 13 and will be available in Silver Grey and Clementine Orange 

Key Specifications
*3rd generation Inte Core i3-3229Y processor
*Windows *
*11.6 "HD (1388x768)IPS Display with wide viewing angle 16:9; widescreen
*4GB DDR3 memory, 256 GB SSD
* Integrated Intel HD Graphics 4000

The IdeaPad Yoga 11s will be available from the PC Show onwards with prices from SGD$1,399.