Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Baltic Amber Teething Necklaces

V was one hell of a trouble maker when it came to teething... it was practically war daily. It didn't help that she was already latching to me, teething made her stuck to me. I can remember how she would crawl to me, tap on my chest, suck like 4- 5 times just to soothe her gums and crawl away. The nights were a torture, I don't remember a moment my shirt was down. We relied on teething gel very often, it didn't matter if it was a small teeth or a molar, V was a drama queen when it comes to pain. Trev bought every single teething gel n the market, it was kept in all corners of the house, each diaper bag has 1, my handbag and Trev's haversack.

During V's school orientation, we saw her classmate with many necklaces around her neck. Me and Trev was like "wow this mummy quite funky huh?" Slowly I got to know her mummy and noticed that her 2 other sons had the same necklace, she has hers on her wrist. Being the curious me, I asked her what was this trend? She laughed, told me they were Amber necklaces and it originated from Europe. As we were rushing off, she gave me her website http://www.fantasticfindonline.com and asked me to go read up.

While doing my research, I recalled seeing these amber necklaces being hung on the showcase in various pharmacy especially in Germany and France. Then it sort of affirmed me on these necklaces and if its a household product in Europe, why not give it a try? I saw mummy again and asked her on her testimonial and she swears by it. During this time, BB Kate was doing her sudden screams which is a sign of teething.  I was like what harm can a $25 necklace do to Kate right? Ordered and she has been wearing since she was 4 months old.

 “Succinic acid is a natural pain reliever, anti-inflammatory, and a central nervous system calmer. It is so effective on babies and small children because it simultaneously eases their pain while also having a strong soothing effect on their nervous system – all with zero side effects!”

You must be thinking why I chose to write this? Just because its rocking!!!!

The 1st one month: We sort of didn't see much difference, mainly because we don't know what to expect. But we do realise she sleeps pretty well. I always tell my friends that God is fair to send me Kate after Victoria. In between, my MIL and the helper keeps removing it. They think its pretty ugly, until I explained to them what it is suppose to do! Had to brag that it a European thing coz they though was some buddhist praying beads. *opps

The 2nd month: She stopped doing her sudden screaming and we started seeing a difference. Trev was the 1st to notice it. Guess he was more sensitive since he suffered the most when V was teething. I was drained by the latching and he was the one who had to calm her down then. For BB Kate, we didn't even go through serious comforting.

The 3rd month: The lower 2 teeth popped with some complains and teething gel. But sleeping was very much calm. The top 2 was a lot more drama with the gums being red and inflamed, but could be eased with teething gel and by sleeping slightly upright.

Now: The top 2 has almost descended and she has started biting everyone because of itchy gums. 0.O  it seems that this trait runs in the family :( V had bitten almost all her friends. Last week has been quite a nightmare for she got restless at night and I ran my fingers around her gums and found few new ones appearing. But we both agree that this necklace has helped BB Kate a lot!!!

Source by FantasticFind by PuppyMoo

What is Baltic amber teething necklace?
A Baltic amber teething necklace is made for wearing (not chewing) when a baby is teething.
Dimensions of amber teething necklace are:
  • Weight: 5.5grams-8.00grams in weight
  • Length: 11.5-12.5 inches long or (31centimeters-33centimeters long)
  • Material: natural 100% authentic Baltic amber is used
Amber teething necklace facts:
  • A natural analgesic, amber will help calm a baby without resorting to drugs.
  • Amber is a fossilized resin, not a stone. It is therefore warm to the touch, as well as very comfortable and light to wear.
  • Wearing Baltic amber necklaces on the skin can have a soothing and calming effect on teething babies and toddlers.
  • Amber's anti-inflammatory and therapeutic properties are also recognized by allopathic medicine. In Austria, Switzerland and Germany, you will find amber teething necklaces sold in local pharmacies.
Are amber teething necklaces safe? 
Parents must remember that these necklaces are for wearing when a baby is teething, not for chewing on. Parental supervision is required when babies and toddlers are wearing the amber necklaces. As a safety feature there is a knot before and after each bead, so that even in the extremely unlikely event of the string being torn, no beads are lost and there is no risk of choking. Amber teething necklaces are secured with a traditional screw clasp, not a hook and ring. 

You can find Kate and Victoria's amber necklace at Fantastic Find by Puppy Poo. I managed to get a code for the 1st 10 readers who are keen on getting this!

15% discount off the whole order for the first 10 customers who use the coupon code "flomummy

Disclaimer: I bought the children's necklace and wrote this post just because it had helped us and kate's teething process. No monetary compensation was given. I initiated this post!

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