Monday, June 3, 2013

Slimming 101 session 3

Slimming 101 competitive edge are that they have High Tech Slimming machine combine with "Qi" philosophy and meridian that can help to improve overall body condition. It can treat your weight problem from inside out and there is no weight rebound!

What makes them stand out from their competition is that they make use of Traditional Chinese medicine. TCM is a medical practice that can be traced back 3000 years. It views health holistically, sees the body as a whole and as a being of the bigger existence, that is nature! TCM sees a close connection between health, air, food, environment and lifestyle. Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese Medicine technique that has been around for many centuries. 

During the session with the physician
 I had a session with their an inhouse Chinese physician who comes in to assist. She - the physician felt my pulse and asked me a series of questions. Well, this definitely is my 1st time of getting my pulse taken and was given advise according to weight loss!

Q: How was your confinement done? Do you think it was done well?
A : I had a live in Nanny and help. Besides me getting blood clots in my 2nd week and had to be on medication. Other than that I had a good rest.

Advise: The confinement process is important, some mummies end up not losing their weight because they don't follow the confinement rules. They end up with too much air and water in their body.

Q: Do you eat well? 3 proper meals?
A: Yem... nope. Even though I am a breastfeeding mother, I do not eat breakfast as it is not my habit. 

Advise: It is important to have breakfast to kick start your metabolism 

Do you have breakfast?
Q: How's your water intake?
A: I drink a lot... I think

Advise: You do have a case of lack of water. In some cases, some have water retention due to too much water or too little water. 
gulps gulps gulps!!
My advise that she further add:

*Eat more black foods. It helps with MY metabolism.  So is black rice, 
*Do not eat meat, egg and tofu at the same time, as in a same meal. Its causes fat multiplication! yikess.. apparently this is an open secret known except me :(

Example of black foods
like everyone else..  I must eat MORE veggies and fruits!!!
I believe this is what makes this treatment different, just because we are able to exercise the weight loss according to TCM.  I don't need to go to another TCM to get my body tuned as they have an in-house physician to help me. Slimming 101 has both the high tech machines, slimming service and a specialises slimming physician all under in a same roof. Its a one stop service!

They are offering this to ALL readers!!!

1. Please like their Facebook page Slimming 101
2. Have you like ours? FloMummy
3. Click onto this Link and they will get back to u to make the 3 appointments

Take some time to read my 1st and 2nd session!! 

*Disclaimer: This is a sponsored paid post which Slimming 101 has invited me for.  All experience written in this post are my personal opinion. 

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