Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I have know these group of ladies for 2 years now I guess? We all have a common denomination that ties us so close till today and that is our Dec08/Jan09 babies. Its really crazy how this friendship that was build just on words in the Singapore Motherhood Forum Jan 2009 thread, from posts to advices, advices to fears, fears to tears, tears to support, support to friendships, our relationship between this crazy group of mummies includes most of all outings with the kiddos and the constant updates with each other on the ups and downs of our children.

I have never made friends in way before and think its fantastic the way this relationship is build on, got to know without expectations of each other.. just pure laughters of bringing up a child. I honestly can tell you, if not for these mummies, I may not have sustain motherhood so long! I remembered one time when I was doing my confinement and dealing with breastfeeding and all..  got emotional and went in to rant, I was so surprised by the support of these people I have never met before in my life giving me the encouragement I so so so needed at that moment!

Now that we have sort of "settle" the kiddos, have been going on dinners without the kiddos just to catch up with life and talk about the kids *what's new*

Here is our 1st meet up at Spruce.. Walau the chatter was horrible .. we were just going and going!!
1 month later .. Coca .. women and our steamboat craving! Just as noisy ...

Its a great friendship that will be around for the longest time... for the kiddos will always have issues and mummies will always need a friend to rant on. What's best than a mummy who is going through the same issue? One great thing too as most of us read each other's blog and so the updates are constant.

Love you all mummies... till this month's gathering


Jasopheleb said...

Love you too la... Where next???

Unknown said...

im planning planning.... found a great place though its foreign land to u la!