Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Adverse effects

Adverse effects of was pregnant before...

Today I feel frumps, I have the equal no of people coming to me to ask if I was expecting and the the other telling me I lost weight. Of course the expecting part is causing me more hurt then the slim comments *sigh

I had food poisoning last week and had the water poo for 3 bloody days and it caused me slight piles.. Tks to me expecting V at that time and her weight was around my large intenstine blah blah blah .. Since then I experience this ailment 2 times; once during preggers and the other during confinement. Dr Han says it normal... Crap

After my horrible water poo, my body bloated up! Tummy, face, whatever part la... I think it's my body fearing dehydration ... So I feel FAT... Xmas totally didn't help with my fatness for I had a little to much bubbles which made me bloated .. So now I'm feeling bloated with gas and water. *sigh Now we know if you were pregnant before, the tummy seemed to have rubberized.. Expanding oh so easily!!!!

Anyone with secret something to help me feel just the way I am.. La la la la

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Jasopheleb said...

Jason takes daflon... poor darling. take care!