Tuesday, August 16, 2011


So I'm busy, DD T is busy ...

This week starts the series of flying for work. DD flies 17-21, 23-26 august. I fly 1-5, together on 16-18 then he goes off 19. Oh man :(

Then I'm book on all weekends in sept and haven't slot in my overseas assignments. *wails

No wonder V looks at the aeroplanes and tells everyone "my daddy n mummy in there" best part I chose not to go back flying but ends up most time overseas. I am fated to lead a life of travelling, regardless what career I take up.

Thank god we both have flexible career that allows us to spend our time equally with V. I'm not working much till he is back, so its alot of shopping & tea-ing with her before my busy month.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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