Monday, August 8, 2011


We came home last night and I had to go to my computer to check stuffs. She came up to me "mummy come, come, come I show you" I was "mummy is busy, give me a while let me complete this "she looks at me (doe eyed) "you are my precious you know mummy" then I had no choice but to get up and follow her, I was telling daddy that we she is a good speaker and I cant outwit her, he replied it all started because we sent her to JG :0

I brought her to bed, she said to me that she saw papa Jesus that day. I was like "wow what did he say?" she thought hard, "he say cannot beat , er ahh cannot vomit, can play plastercine. "

This morning she was squatting doing her dump and DD was
vacuuming. She shouted " careful of my bum ah daddy"


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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