Thursday, August 25, 2011


I have been feeling out of sorts... Like no goals no direction, I mean I know what I have to do but everything seems so far off and trying to achieve it seems so difficult. I'm one of those people who does a great mad dash , like studying the week b4 the exam and passing it type. Basically I work at my peak with pressure, so whole of august was without pressure which is crappy. I just cruised the whole half a month which to me is crappy... Nothing can be achieve if I am like that. I believe you can tell by the lack of posts ... Hehe

Tonight I manage to set my new goal which is great!!! Yippppeeeee !!!!!!

Some updates, I spent most of time lying in bed thinking of rubbish. Besides that I brought Bam Bam for a swim which I have uploaded into blogspot only lappie, so will write it another day ;)

Daddy came back on Sunday evening and flew off again.. V had loads of stuffs from the trip. It was like Xmas came early for her.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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