Sunday, May 27, 2012

Bully or not?

V has been complaining about this boy that likes to pull her hair in school. There are days where I pick her up and she will look dishevelled as in her ponytail will have strands of mess falling. She will defend to tell me her classmate pulled it.

Now this week, she has given up on her friend and told me his name. Hoping that - well I'm not sure, protect her?

V: mummy, this Daniel keeps pulling my hair! So irritating you know. I keep telling not to do it but he still does!
Me: well, I think he likes u which is why he wants to touch your hair. You know how it is when u like that someone, you make an effort to play and talk to him/her? Leave him alone, he will stop eventually
V : okie mummy I try .

V: daddy, my friend keeps pulling my hair in school!
Daddy: who's that? Show me next time! I will pull him by his neck (he wanted to say balls actually) and swear he will stop it .
V : *keeps her mouths shut and never complain again.

My child , growing up with balanced parenting :D


M said...

Ry's been complaining about this boy Ian pulling her hair too.

pc said...

hmmm... I like your hubby's response! mine ain't like that:/.

Unknown said...

M: I guess its going to be rampant now they are bigger ... sigh. It always the boys hahahha

pc: we can get the hb to meet, let my hb influence him a little hahahha