Thursday, May 17, 2012

Growing up a lady

I think most of you would have known by now my expectations of Victoria. Guess god knows I'm an awesome mother to girls as I know what to do with them. It's known that I don't push her to excel in her learning curve, it's fine she is crazily terrible in her alphabets, Chinese, knows zero maths or any structure science or stuffs. But she is one with fantastic music talents, speaks well as a 3 yr old, steady manners, gladly very respectable to everyone. Most of not, I trained her not to be a racist. :)

She hardly wears pants or shorts unless to the playground, choses her dresses everytime. Well, it really doesn't matter to me that she wears the same old dresses most of the time, not be coz she has these few, but she has her preferences. I once attended a seminar and the speaker was sharing with us about dressing and how that one should not have casual dressing . It's shows that you take life casually, I mean it's okie u are going to the park or beach. Every since that day, I abolished all casual dressing. I need the child to know that everyday is of importance to her. Something I am ass particular about is that she must wear under pants. From the days of newborn till now, I never allow her not having bloomers or panties. She is never allowed to walk around just a diaper and a dress. This is to cultivate modesty, well I guess most will say there is a diaper, it should be okie . But hanging loose is not a privilege.

V does more outdoor stuffs then being cooped up at home. Weekly is swimming 2x , playground or cycling almost daily. This I read helps with myopia right? Hahaha and also it's a privilege in this estate so we make use of it.

V is a privilege child to be one who sits in fine dining restaurants since young. Nope the father hates eating small bite sized things that he ends up paying $400 for a bill, so he will never bring her. But for me, I don't bat an eyelid if it costs us $150 for lunch , us me n V. It's just my thing, I love quietness and ambience when I'm dining alone. So V goes to have tea with me often, it's great practice. It's has important to always look good with her legs cross, napkin on her lap, drinking from china, eating from proper cutleries... Most importantly she makes a point to do it well. She knows when it's time to be good, so to be its always good money spent and she is my favourite partner to have a nice meal.


Susan said...

Victoria is going to grow up to be a classy classy lady. But I'm curious, would you expect her to only hang out with friends who are like her?

Unknown said...

Oh no la... She is allowed to mix with anyone... I always believe that each friend brings in new experience. By the time she is wise enough, she will know who are the friends she is comfortable with Hahahaha .