Saturday, May 5, 2012

New blog roll

I finally moved my butt to get things organized. I need new ideas, fresh blood... the usual blogs i have been reading have slowed down tremendously and this is not good as I do need to get motivated at times when I write. Got me-self a whole new awesome blog roll from the mummies bloggers community.... have been inside the community for a while but yet haven't got the accessibility to read them all and leave them a "hello". (don't wanna be rude right?) Now that I have gotta it organized in my blog, it will be nice to have new reading materials when I am having my time out. I an a reader, I read everywhere... even on my throne :p, its extreme until I read shampoo bottles if I'm bored. kekeke terrible right?

It was till recent times that I discovered that I am a visual print learner- aka as a person who reads to learn.  I don't fancy pictures much, which means blogs with too many pictures don't entice me... worse if its just a blog of the children's art work, what they are learning *yawns....  I don't find it enticing, I mean its nice and all... but not my cuppa. If you have awesome photos, it nice to look at, but if its just photos and no words... *yawns...  then comes another type... just words, if you have penmanship, I am in! Anytime... but still would love good looking photos, best if your child is cutesy or better still THE husband *drools. Hey I mean why not right? A parenting blogger writes mostly on their children or family right?  :D

I am impartial when it comes to reading parenting blogs, there are mummies who "c'mon writes that the child is a genius and an angel" it really too becomes real boring... coz no one can relate to you, for the 99% of us read parenting blogs to learn from someone else horrible and terrible experience. We are all recipients of your sufferings, that is why we can link to you la!!!

So I am on my search for new blogs that are going to rock my world...  I skimmed through all and I saw a few that I liked and will be paying them more visits. I like real blogs... :P


MummyMOO said...

I share your sentiments :)

Unknown said...

thks for dropping by ... *hear hear ... hahahha