Sunday, August 22, 2010

Glenn Doman Flash Cards

Mummy reader asked to help advertise her set of GD cards

Are you a fan of flash cards? But totally not want to spend the huge amount on a new set? Well, Mummy is selling off her set of GD flash cards for her kiddos have totally passed the stage of sitting down to watch flash cards and best part its still so new.

Well we all know a new set has a exorbitant price tag to it but mummy is willing to let go at $400 a set,  if you are willing to buy all, she lets it off with a additional discount of $100.

English set Vol 1- Opened, used less than 3 times
Volume 2 -NEW
Maths set - EVEN NEWER!

I did some reading and it seems that GD flash cards doesn't have new or old version. 

Seriously if you are fans of flash cards, you will know its a good deal...

Per set :$400
All 3 : $100 off total sum

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Are you still selling the GD flash card? I am interested on it.

Kindly pm me @
