Monday, November 29, 2010

Still sick

I'm still in a dazed after like being sick for a week plus.. Totally not fun as this cold is driving me nutters as I feel like i'm high perpetually most of the time... I can still do stuffs but I do feel that I may be in a dream or was that real? Really sux!!

I'm sitting in the clinic now ... Like the 2nd time for the bitach didn't give me antibiotics.. I mean total waste of my freaking time sitting here for 2 hours where I can be sleeping in bed!! Yes I'm in a foul mood, like how to be jolly after 10 days of sickness...

Like V got sick then dd t.. Now me... N as usual the mummy gets the potent virus... I tahan-ed with panadol extra the 1st few days but the dripping snot drove me nutters and so a visit to the dr was necessary... Then biatch gave me 5 miserable pills which I finished in no time and suffered for another 3... Dd t finally made the decision that I needed antibiotics for I slept all I could but was still grouchy ...

So.. I'm still waiting ... I'm pissed, tired, sick... Doesn't help that the many people around me are sick just like me and breathing the same air is so not fun...

Did I mention I have to wake up 7am for princess is having mandarin holiday program at 9am... Went for a class today and being in a class for 2 hrs is totally not fun.. Boring in fact.. N we learnt "xiao ji" .. Will write about V's 1st mandarin exposure like soon.. That is if I ever get well ... Arggghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Anonymous said...

sick too, sobs.

Get well soon dudette.

Katherine said...

Take care & rest well,babe